Race,Voting,Redistricting and the Constitution: Volume Two

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Author: Marsha Darling

ISBN-10: 0815340664

ISBN-13: 9780815340669

Category: Law, Politics, & Government

Political redistricting is one of the most controversial issues in contemporary American society. The practice of shaping voting districts to enhance the political representation of minorities at all levels of government emerged as a legal remedy for redressing the systematic historical exclusion of minority political representation. It continues to have vocal and active defenders and detractors to this day with court rulings upholding or challenging the practice every year. The controversies...

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Political redistricting is one of the most controversial issues in contemporary American society. The practice of shaping voting districts to enhance the political representation of minorities at all levels of government emerged as a legal remedy for redressing the systematic historical exclusion of minority political representation. It continues to have vocal and active defenders and detractors to this day with court rulings upholding or challenging the practice every year. The controversies of redistricting have challenged America's commitment to participatory democracy and America's ability to account for its historical record of voting and racial discrimination. The legal and historical arguments addressing the policy of redistricting and the constitutional issues surrounding it revolve around interpretations of the Fifteenth Amendment and America's ability to accept or reject race-based solutions to political representstion. This three-volume set brings together all the major legal cases and the most influential articles on the legal and historical arguments surrounding this issue.

Hearings on The Enforcement of the Voting Rights Act: Hearings Before the Civil Rights Oversight Subcommittee (Subcommittee No. 4) of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, 92nd Congress, First Session on the Enforcement and Administration of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, As Amended, May 26; June 2 & 10, 1971, Serial No. 8, GPO (1971): Testimony of—Henry, Dr. Aaron, president, Mississippi State Conference of Branches, NAACP, accompanied by Clarence Mitchell, director, Washington bureau, NAACP, and Frank Polhaus, counsel, Washington bureau, NAACP-Lewis, John, director, Voter Education Project-Derfner, Armand, attorney, Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, accompanied by Stanley Halpin, attorney, Lawyer's Constitutional Defense Committee, New Orleans, Louisiana Testimony of, and Brief Submitted by the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (Prepared by Joseph L. Rauh, Jr., Assisted by Eleanor K. Holmes and H. Miles Jaffe)- -Raugh, Joseph L., Jr., general counsel, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Accompanied by Clarence Mitchell, director, Washington bureau, NAACP, and Frank Polhaus, counsel, Washington bureau, NAACP Correspondence- -Parker, Frank, R., attorney, Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, to Hon. Don Edwards, May 19, 1971 Edwards, Hon. Don, a Representative in Congress from the State of California, and Chairman, Civil Rights Oversight Subcommittee, to David L. Norman, Acting Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, June 1, 1971 -Norman, David L., Acting Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, Reply to Edwards, Hon. Don, a Representative in Congress from the State of California, and Chairman, Civil RightsOversight Subcommittee and "Current Registration in Mississippi Counties" Hearings on Amendments to the Voting Rights Act of 1965: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate, 91st Congress, First and Second Sessions on S.818, S. 2456, S. #2507, and Title IV of S. 2029, Bills to Amend the Voting Rights Act of 1965, July, 9, 10, 11, and 30, 1969, and February 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 1970, GPO Statement of Honorable Barry Goldwater (1970), U.S. Senator from Arizona on Voter Residency Requirements I the Nation, Thurs., February 19, 1970 Voting Rights Act Extension, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 1st Session, Report No. 94-196, May 8, 1975: Report, together with Additional, Supplemental, Separate, Additional Supplemental, and Views Concurring in Part and Dissenting (to accompany H.R. 6219) B. Title II: Expansion of the Voting Rights Act" McDonald, Laughlin A Special Report from the American Civil Liberties Union, "Voting Rights in the South," Laughlin McDonald (January, 1982) Oritz, Daniel "Note: Alternative Voting Systems as Remedies or Unlawful At-Large Systems," Yale Law Journal (1982) Voting Rights Act Extension. Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 97th Congress, 2nd Session, Report No. 97-417, Calendar No. 598 May 25,1982: "Report of the Committee on the Judiciary on S. 1992 with Additional Minority ad Supplemental Views VI. Amendment to Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act," and "Additional Views of Senator Strom Thurmond" Low-Beer, John R. "The Constitutional Imperative of Proportional Representation, Yale Law Journal 94 (1984) "Note: The Disenfranchisement of Ex-Felons: Citizenship, Criminality, and the 'Purity of the Ballot Box' , Harvard Law Review 102 (1989) Strauss, David. A. "The Myth of Colorblindness," Supreme Court Review (1986) McCrary, Peyton and Pamela S. Karlan "Book Review: Without Fear and Without Research: Abigail Thernstrom on the Voting Rights Act", Journal of Law and Politics (1988) McCrary, Peyton and J. Gerald Hebert "Keeping the Courts Honest: The Role of Historians as Expert Witnesses in Southern Voting Rights Cases," Southern University Law review 16 (1989)