Race, Voting, Redistricting and the Constitution: Volume Three

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Author: Marsha Darling

ISBN-10: 0815340672

ISBN-13: 9780815340676

Category: Law, Politics, & Government

Political redistricting is one of the most controversial issues in contemporary American society. The practice of shaping voting districts to enhance the political representation of minorities at all levels of government emerged as a legal remedy for redressing the systematic historical exclusion of minority political representation. It continues to have vocal and active defenders and detractors to this day with court rulings upholding or challenging the practice every year. The controversies...

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Political redistricting is one of the most controversial issues in contemporary American society. The practice of shaping voting districts to enhance the political representation of minorities at all levels of government emerged as a legal remedy for redressing the systematic historical exclusion of minority political representation. It continues to have vocal and active defenders and detractors to this day with court rulings upholding or challenging the practice every year. The controversies of redistricting have challenged America's commitment to participatory democracy and America's ability to account for its historical record of voting and racial discrimination. The legal and historical arguments addressing the policy of redistricting and the constitutional issues surrounding it revolve around interpretations of the Fifteenth Amendment and America's ability to accept or reject race-based solutions to political representstion. This three-volume set brings together all the major legal cases and the most influential articles on the legal and historical arguments surrounding this issue.

"Judicial Redistricting Cases are Sweeping the South," Voting Rights Review 1 (1990) Loewen, James W. "Racial Block Voting and Political Mobilization in South Carolina," Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report 48 (1990) Cook, Rhodes "Map Drawers Must Toe the Line in Upcoming Redistricting," Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report 48 (1990) "Redistricting Process," Nation's Cities Weekly 14 (1991) Still, Edward "Voluntary Constituencies: Modified At-Large Voting as a Remedy for Minority Vote Dilution in Judicial Elections," Yale Law and Policy Review 9 (1991) Karlan, Pamela S. "Undoing the Right Thing: Single Member Offices and the Voting Rights Act," Virginia Law Review 77 (1991) Aleinikoff, T. Alexander "A Case for Race Consciousness," Columbia Law Review 91 (1991) "Redistricting of the Mississippi State Legislature 1991-1992: The Impact of the Grassroots Community on the Formation of Public Policy," Excerpt from the Southern Echo Training Manual, Advancing Community Organizing Skills, Part 1: The Fundamentals (1998) Higginbotham Jr., A. Leon, Gregory A. Clarick, and Marcela David "Shaw v. Reno: A Mirage of Good Intentions with Devastating Racial Consequences, w/ Appendices," Fordham Law Review 62 (1994) Darling, Marsha J. Expert Witness Report in Miller v. Johnson (1994) submitted to the United States District Court, "Issues Relating to African American History and 'Communities of Interest' in Georgia's 11th Congressional District" (June, 1994) Guinier, Lani "The Supreme Court, 1993 Term: [E]racing Democracy: The Voting Rights Cases," Harvard Law Review 108 (1994) "Quotas Aren't the Issue," Allan Lichtman, New York Times (December 7, 1994) Raskin, Jamin B."Gerrymander Hypocrisy: Supreme Court's Double Standard," The Nation (February 6, 1995) Thernstrom, Abigail "More Notes from a Political Thicket," Emory Law Journal 44 (1995) Anderson, John B. "Go Back to the Drawing Board to Make More Votes Count," Christian Science Monitor (January 12, 1996) Parker, Frank "Factual Errors and Chilling Consequences: A Critique of Shaw v. Reno and Miller v. Johnson," Cumberland Law Review 26(1996) Dodd, R. Bruce "Making Sense Out of the Way We Should Vote," Chicago Tribune, (April 5, 1996) Swain, Carol M. "Commentary: Not 'Wrongful' By Any Means: The Court's Decisions in the Redistricting Cases," Houston Law Review (1997) Richie, Robert and Steven Hill "The Case for Proportional Representation," Boston Review 23 (1998) "Superdistricts in North Carolina," Washington Post (April 17, 1998) Editorial: "Redistricting: Look Beyond Political Fighting Over Single-Member Districts," The Charlotte Observer (April 24, 1998) Blacksher, James U. "Dred Scott's Unwon Freedom: The Redistricting Cases as Badges of Slavery," Southern Changes 20 (1998) Cox, Todd A. "Enforcing Voting Rights in the Clinton Administration As We Approach the New Millennium,"