Quick Access, Reference for Writers

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Author: Lynn Q. Troyka

ISBN-10: 0131952269

ISBN-13: 9780131952263

Category: English Grammar

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Quick Find Road MapIf you sometimes feel a bit unsure as you write, try using the QUICK FIND ROADMAP to get you back on track to effective writing. The roadmap reflects some of the most common writing errors that frustrate writers. To find the information you need, choose the item that best describes the issue you are facing and then turn to the pages referenced.WORDS AND SENTENCESWrite complete sentences instead of fragments.Join independent clauses correctly by avoiding comma splices and run-ons.Match grammatical forms within sentences to avoid shifts and keep sentences clear.Make sentences with introductory phrases and with modifiers clear.Know when to use its or it's.GRAMMARMatch subjects and verbs in number and person.Match pronouns to the word or words they refer to.Use correct verb endings.Choose verbs that correctly express time in tense and form.Describe relationships with the correct prepositions for time and place.PUNCTUATIONUse commas after introductory elements.Use commas in compound sentences.Use commas to set off nonrestrictive elements.Do not use commas to set off restrictive elements.Use commas with a series of three or more elements that share the same grammatical form.Use apostrophes correctly.STYLE AND WORD CHOICEChoose the best words for your meaning.Make your writing to the point and concise.

THINKING, READING, AND WRITING CRITICALLY1 Thinking Like a Writer1a Why writing is important1b Thinking like a writer1c Situation, purpose, and audience1d Critical thinking1e Steps in critical thinking2 Reading Critically2a Critical reading2b Steps in critical readingDetermining literal meaningMaking inferencesMaking evaluations2c Close and active reading2d Systematic readingPreviewReadReview2e Connecting critical reading to writing3 Distinguishing Between Summary and Synthesis3a Summarizing3b SynthesizingSynthesizing multiple sourcesSynthesizing one source4 Viewing Images Critically4a Viewing images with a critical eye5 Writing and Technology5a Computers and writersCreating documentsFinding sourcesManaging your workCommunicating with others5b Computers and forms of writingWRITING PROCESS6 Getting Started6a The writing process6b The purposes for writingInforming a readerPersuading a reader6c The writer’s "audience"Writing for a peer-response groupWriting for an instructorWriting for a supervisor6d The writer’s tone6e The writing topicSelecting your own topicNarrowing or broadening an assigned topic6f The "writing situation"6g Finding ideasKeeping a journalFree writingChattingBrainstormingAsking and answering questionsClustering6h Thesis statements6i Outlining7 Drafting7a Writing a first draft7b Overcoming writer’s block8 Revising, Editing, and Proofreading8a Revising strategies8b Using my thesis statement and essay title to revise8c Editing strategies8d Proofreading strategies9 Composing Paragraphs9a Understanding paragraphs9b Introductory paragraphs9c Topic sentencesStarting with a topic sentenceEnding with a topic sentenceImplying a topic sentence9d Supporting details9e Coherent paragraphsUsing transitional expressionsUsing deliberate repetition and parallelism9f Body paragraphsComposing a narrationComposing a descriptionDescribing a processComposing an example or illustrationComposing a definitionComposing a comparison and contrastComposing an analysisComposing a classificationComposing an analogyExplaining cause and effect9g Concluding paragraphs10 Writing to Inform10a Informative essays10b Student’s informative essay11 Writing To Argue11a Understanding argument11b Choosing a topic and developing a claim11c Supporting an argument11d Types of appeals11e Considering my audience11f Structuring an argument11g Logical fallacies11h Revising argument essays11i Student’s argument essayWRITING ACROSS THE CURRICULUM12 An Overview of Writing Across the Curriculum12a Writing across the curriculum13 Writing About The Humanities13a What the humanities are13b Types of sources13c Types of papersSummariesSynthesesResponsesNarrativesInterpretationsCritiquesAnalyses13d Documentation styles14 Writing about Literature14a What literature is14b Writing about literature14c Writing strategies14d Types of papersWriting a personal responseWriting an interpretationWriting a formal analysisWriting a cultural analysis14e Rules for writing about literatureUsing correct verb tensesUsing your own ideas and using secondary sources14f Documentation styles14g Student’s literature essayWorking on the assignmentLearning about the poet, Yusef KomunyakaaStudent’s essay about literature15 Writing in the Social Sciences15a What the social sciences are15b Types of sourcesSurveys and questionnairesObservationsInterviewsExperiments15c Purposes and practices15d Types of papersCase studiesResearch reportsResearch papers (or reviews of the literature)15e Documentation styles16 Writing for the Natural Sciences16a What the natural sciences are16b Purposes and practices16c Types of papersScience reportsScience reviews16d Documentation style17 Writing Under Pressure17a Practicing under strict time limits17b Preparing for essay exams18 Making Oral Presentations and Using Multimedia18a What oral presentations are18b Focusing on purpose18c Adapting for my listening audience18d Organizing a presentationIntroducing yourself and your topicFollowing your road mapWrapping up your presentation18e Appropriate language and tone18f Incorporating multimediaUsing traditional visual aidsUsing electronic mediaPlanning for multimedia in your presentation18g Presentation stylesMemorizing your presentationReading your presentationMapping your presentation18h Effective voice18i Nonverbal communication18j Overcoming stage fright18k Collaborative presentationsWRITING TO CONNECT WITH THE WORLD19 Writing for Work19a Workplace writing purposes19b Features of work-related correspondence19c Work-related e-mail19d Netiquette19e Memos19f Business letters19g Other business documentsFormatting and writing a proposal19h Resumes19i Job application letters20 Public Writing20a What public writing is20b Public reports20c Public letters20d Other public writing20e Blogs21 Designing Documents21a About document design21b Basic design principles21c Designing with textHighlighting textJustifyingIndentation21d Headings21e VisualsCharts, graphs, and tablesImages21f Page layoutUsing white space22 Writing for the Web22a Web sites and Web pages22b The Web writing process22c Web site content22d Web site structure22e Web page design22f Web writing software22g Images in Web pages22h Editing and testing usability22i Displaying Web pagesFinding space on the WebUploading image or sound files22j Maintaining Web sitesRESEARCH23 Starting a Research Project23a What research writing is23b Choosing a research topic23c What a research question is23d Planning a research project23e What a research log is24 Developing a Search Strategy24a Search strategies24b Sources24c Field researchObserving and surveyingInterviewing an expert24d Documentation styles24e Working bibliographies24f Annotated bibliographies24g Content notes25 Finding and Evaluating Library-Based Sources25a Finding library-based resources25b Using databasesUsing keywordsUsing guided searchesUsing Boolean expressions25c Finding books25d Finding periodicalsLocating the articles themselves25e Using reference worksGeneral reference worksSpecialized reference works25f Finding sources outside the library25g Finding government documents25h Evaluating sources26 Researching the Web Wisely26a Reasons to use the Web “wisely”26b Searching the Web26c Using keywords26d Using subject directories26e Evaluating Web sources26f Information from Web sources27 Using Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism27a What plagiarism is27b Avoiding plagiarism27c Avoid plagiarism with Internet sources27d What not to document27e Integrating sources27f Using quotations effectivelyMaking quotations fit smoothly with your sentencesUsing brackets to add wordsUsing ellipsis to delete wordsIntegrating author names, source titles, and other information27g Good paraphrases27h Good summaries27i Verbs for weaving source material28 Drafting and Revising a Research Paper28a Writing process and research papers28b Drafting a research paper28c Revising a research paperMLA DOCUMENTATION29 MLA In-Text Citations29a What MLA documentation style is29b What MLA parenthetical documentation is29c MLA guidelines for in-text citations29d MLA guidelines for commentary or bibliographic notes30 MLA Works Cited List30a MLA guidelines for a Works Cited list30b MLA guidelines for sources in a Works Cited list31 A Student’s MLA-STYLE Research Paper31a MLA format guidelines for research papersGeneral instructions–MLAOrder of parts–MLAName-and-page number lines for all pages–MLAFirst page–MLASet-off quotations–MLANotes–MLAWorks Cited list–MLA31b A student's MLA-style research paperMLA IN-TEXT CITATIONS DIRECTORYMLA WORKS CITED LIST DIRECTORYAPA, CM, AND CSE DOCUMENTATION32 APA In-Text Citations 32a What APA documentation style is32b What APA parenthetical in-text citations areFormatting long quotationsMultiple citations in one paragraph32c APA guidelines for in-text citations32d APA guidelines for writing an abstract32e APA guidelines for content notes33 APA References List33a APA guidelines for a References list33b APA guidelines for sources in a References list34 A Student’s APA-Style Paper 34a APA format guidelines for research papersGeneral instructions—APAOrder of parts—APATitle-and-page number line for all pages—APATitle page—APAAbstract—APASet-off quotations—APAReferences list—APANotes—APA34b A student’s APA-style research paper35 CM-Style Documentation35a What CM style documentation isThe full bibliographic note system in CM styleThe abbreviated bibliographic note system, plus bibliography, in CM style35b CM guidelines for bibliographic notesCM-Style Directory36 CSE-Style Documentation36a What CSE style documentation is36b CSE guidelines for sources in a list of referencesCSE-Style Directory APA IN-TEXT CITATIONS DIRECTORYAPA REFERENCES LIST DIRECTORYGRAMMAR BASICS37 Parts of Speech and Parts of SentencesParts of Speech37a Nouns37b Pronouns37c Verbs37d Verbals37e Adjectives37f Adverbs37g Prepositions37h Conjunctions37i InterjectionsParts of Sentences37j Subjects and predicates37k Direct and indirect objects37l Complements, modifiers, and appositivesRecognizing complementsRecognizing modifiersRecognizing appositives37m Phrases37n ClausesRecognizing independent clausesRecognizing dependent clauses37o Sentence types38 Verbs38a How verbs function38b Forms of main verbsRegular verbsIrregular verbs-s form of verbs38c Auxiliary verbs38d Using lie or lay38e Verb tensesSimple present tenseTense sequence38f Indicative, imperative, and subjunctive moodsif, as if, as though, and unless clausesthat clauses38g “Voice” in verbs39 Subject—Verb Agreement39a What subject—verb agreement is39b Ignoring words between a subject and its verbone of the36c Verbs when and connect subjects each and every36d Verbs when or connects subjects36e Verbs with indefinite pronouns36f Verbs with who, which, and that36g Verbs with one of the . . . who36h Other complicated casesInverted word orderExpletive constructionsSubject complementsCollective nouns“Amount” subjectsSingular subjects in plural formTitles, terms, and plurals representing a single unit40 Pronouns: Agreement, Reference, and CasePronoun-Antecedent Agreement40a What pronoun-antecedent agreement is40b Pronouns when and connects antecedents40c Pronouns when or connects antecedents40d Pronouns when antecedents are indefinite pronouns40e Pronouns when antecedents are collective pronounsPronoun Reference40f Avoiding unclear pronoun reference40g Pronouns with it, that, this, and which40h Using you for direct address40i Using who, which, and thatPronoun Case40j Pronoun case40k Personal pronouns40l Selecting the correct case40m Case when and connects pronouns40n Matching case in appositives40o Subjective case after linking verbs40p Using who, whoever, whom, and whomever40q Case after than and as40r Case with infinitives and -ing words40s Case for -self pronouns41 Adjectives and Adverbs41a Differences between adjectives and adverbs41b Using adverbs and not adjectives as modifiers41c Double negatives41d Adjectives or adverbs after linking verbsbad and badly good and well41e Comparative and superlative formsRegular formsIrregular forms41f Nouns as modifiersTIPS FOR MULTILINGUAL WRITERSMessage from Lynn Troyka and Doug Hesse to Multilingual Writers42 Singulars and Plurals42a Count and noncount nouns42b Determiners with singular and plural nouns42c Nouns used as adjectives43 Articles43a Singular count nouns43b Count and noncount nounsPlural count nounsNoncount nounsPlural and noncount nouns43c Using the with proper nouns44 Word Order44a Standard and inverted word orders44b Placing adjectives44c Placing adverbs45 Prepositions45a Using In, at, and on with time and place45b Phrasal verbs45c Passive voice45d Expressions46 Gerunds and Infinitives46a Gerund objectsAfter go After be + complement + preposition46b Infinitive objectsAfter be + some complementsUnmarked infinitive objects46c Using stop, remember, or forget46d Sense verbs46e Choosing between -ing and -ed adjectives47 Modal Auxiliary Verbs47a How modals differ from be, do, and have47b Expressing ability, necessity, advisability, or probabilityAbilityNecessityAdvisabilityProbability46c Expressing preference, plan, or past habitPreferencesPlan or obligationPast habitSENTENCES AND WORDS48 Sentence Fragments48a What a sentence fragment is48b Recognizing fragments48c Correcting fragments that start with a subordinating word48d Correcting phrase fragments48e Correcting fragments in a compound predicate48f Intentional fragments49 Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences49a What comma splices and run-ons are49b Correcting comma splices and run-onsUsing punctuationUsing a coordinating conjunctionRevising an independent clause into a dependent clause50 Problems with Sentence Shifts50a Consistent person and number50b Consistent subject, voice, and mood50c Consistent verb tense50d Consistent direct and indirect discourse50e Sentences with mixed partsAvoiding mixed clausesAvoiding mixed constructionsAvoiding faulty predication50f Ellipticals and comparisons51 Misplaced Modifiers 51a Misplaced modifiers51b Squinting modifiers51c Split infinitives51d Modifiers that disrupt a sentence51e Dangling modifiers52 Conciseness52a Writing concisely52b Avoiding redundancies52c Avoiding wordy sentence structuresAvoiding expletive constructionsUsing the passive voice52d Combining sentence elements52e Verbs and conciseness53 Coordination and Subordination53a Coordination: Expressing equivalent ideas53b Coordination: Avoiding problems53c Subordination: Expressing nonequivalent ideas53d Subordination: Avoiding problems54 Sentence Style54a Understanding parallelism54b Avoiding faulty parallelism54c Parallelism with conjunctions54d Strengthening a message with parallelism54e Understanding sentence varietyRevising strings of short sentencesRevising for a mix of sentence lengths54f Emphatic sentence subjects54g Adding modifiers54h Inverting standard word order55 Usage Glossary56 Word Meanings and Word Impact56a Words and meanings56b Exact wordsDenotation and connotationSpecific and concrete language56c Increasing vocabulary56d Suitable languageAppropriate languageLevels of formalityEdited American EnglishSlang, colloquialisms, and regionalisms56e Figurative language56f Clichés56g The effect of tone in writingSlanted languagePretentious languageJargonEuphemisms57 Using Inclusive Language57a Gender in English57b Gender-neutral language58 Spelling58a Plurals58b Suffixes58c The ie, ei rule58d Homonyms and other frequently confused words58e Other spelling errorsPUNCTUATION AND MECHANICS59 Commas59a When to use commas59b With introductory words59c Before coordinating conjunctions59d With a series59e Between adjectives59f With nonrestrictive and restrictive elementsNonrestrictive and restrictive clausesNonrestrictive and restrictive phrasesNonrestrictive and restrictive appositives59g With quoted words59h Other word groups to set off59i In dates, names, addresses, letter format, and numbers59j Preventing misreadings59k Avoiding comma errors60 Semicolons60a Instead of periods60b Instead of commas61 Colons61a Lists, appositives, or quotations61b Between sentences61c Conventional formats62 Apostrophes62a Possessive nouns62b Possessive indefinite pronouns62c Possessive pronouns: hers, his, its, ours, yours, and theirs62d Verbs that end in -s62e Contractions62f Letters, numerals, symbols, and terms63 Quotation Marks63a Short direct quotationsDouble quotation marks (“ ”)Single quotation marks (‘ ’)63b Long direct quotations63c Spoken words63d Titles63e Terms, translations, and irony63f When quotation marks are wrong63g With other punctuation64 Periods, Question Marks, and Exclamation Points64a Periods64b Question marks64c Exclamation points65 Other Punctuation Marks65a Dashes65b ParenthesesTo add informationWith numbers or lettersWith other punctuation65c Brackets65d Ellipsis pointsIn prose quotationsIn quotations from poetry65e Slashes66 Hyphens66a End of a line66b Prefixes and suffixes66c Compound words66d Spelled-out numbers67 Capitals67a “First” words67b Quotations67c Nouns and adjectives68 Italics (Underlining)68a Italics versus quotation marks68b For emphasis69 Abbreviations69a Times and amounts69b People’s names69c Jr., Sr., II, III, 2nd, and 3rd 69d Names of countries, organizations, and government agencies69e Addresses69f Using etc. and other Latin abbreviations70 Numbers70a Spelled-out numbers70b Dates, addresses, times, and other numbersGLOSSARYQUICK BOX INDEXESL INDEXGENERAL INDEX