Punctuation at Work: Simple Principles for Achieving Clarity and Good Style

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Author: Richard Lauchman

ISBN-10: 081441494X

ISBN-13: 9780814414941

Category: English Grammar

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You'll never be perplexed by punctuation again! With 19 easy rules of thumb and A hundreds of illuminating examples, Punctuation at Work shows you how to wield commas, semicolons, dashes, quotation marks, apostrophes, and more with the precision you need to get your message across-clearly, accurately, and instantly.

Introduction 1Author's Note 9Definitions 11What You Need to Know First: 19 Principles 211 Punctuation can't rescue sense from nonsense 212 The main reason to punctuate is to clarify your intent 233 One of punctuation's tasks is to supply the various signals given by the voice 254 In workplace writing, a sentence should yield its meaning instantly 285 Punctuation should be invisible 316 Punctuation follows the arrangement of words 337 Punctuation indicates how ideas relate 368 Punctuation suggests how much emphasis an idea deserves 389 Punctuation slows the reading 4110 Don't count too much on context to make your meaning plain 4511 Know the difference between restrictive and non-restrictive expressions 4812 Respect the distinction between that and which 5213 When is punctuation optional? 5814 Use the serial comma 6515 When do I separate adjectives with a comma? 6816 Use the hyphen to clarify "improvised usage 7217 Sometimes, no matter how you punctuate, a reader is going to think it's wrong 7818 Feed your head 7919 When you see an odd usage, consider the source 80The Marks 83Appendix How to List Ideas 175Notes 189Index 197