Psychological Responses to Eating Disorders and Obesity: Recent and Innovative Work

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Author: Julia Buckroyd

ISBN-10: 0470061642

ISBN-13: 9780470061640

Category: Diets - General & Miscellaneous

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Despite the fact that eating disorders are commonly understood to have a psychological component, there are few effective psychological responses to these conditions. The research literature also indicates that at least a third of cases of obesity result from food misuse, yet psychological treatment is not generally available. By covering both issues in one volume, Psychological Responses to Eating Disorders and Obesity firmly positions obesity at one end of the food misuse continuum. Bringing together many of the most distinguished researchers and clinicians in the field of disordered eating, this volume presents the latest research on psychological approaches and applies this knowledge to practice. Topics covered include psychological and cultural aspects of food use, using CBT for treating eating disorders and CBT group therapy for obesity. This innovative collection will be a key resource for clinical and health psychologists, counsellors and nurses and other healthcare professionals dealing with obesity and eating disorders. It will also be of interest to professionals such as school nurses and social workers.

About the Editors     viiList of Contributors     ixOverview     1Introduction - Psychological Responses to Eating Disorders and Obesity: An Overview   Julia Buckroyd   Sharon Rother     3The Many Meanings of Food and their Impact on Eating Behaviour   Jane Ogden     17Anorexia Nervosa     37Using an Evidence-Based Approach to Develop New Tailored Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa   Carolina Lopez   Marion Roberts   Ana Sepulveda   Janet Treasure     39Eating Disorders: Breaking the Intergenerational Cycle through Group Therapy - The Effects of the Group Experience   Sarah Barnett   Julia Buckroyd   Karen Windle     55Bulimia Nervosa     73Current Thinking on Working with People with Bulimia Nervosa and Bulimic Disorders   Glenn Waller     75Addressing Emotions in the Eating Disorders: Schema Mode Work   Emma Corstorphine     85Obesity and Binge Eating     101Psychological Group Treatment for Obese Women   Julia Buckroyd   Sharon Rother     103Food for the Soul: Social and Emotional Origins of Comfort Eating in the Morbidly Obese   Patricia Goodspeed Grant     121CognitiveBehaviour Group Therapy for Obesity and Binge Eating Disorder   Saskia Keville   Verity Byrne   Madeleine Tatham   Gerry McCarron     139A Feminist, Psychotherapeutic Approach to Working with Women who Eat Compulsively   Colleen Heenan     159Changes in Eating Behaviour following Group Therapy for Women who Binge Eat: A Pilot Study   Deborah Seamoore   Julia Buckroyd   David Stott     169Index     187