Provenance Press's Guide To The Wiccan Year: A Year Round Guide to Spells, Rituals, and Holiday Celebrations

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Author: Judy Ann Nock

ISBN-10: 1598691252

ISBN-13: 9781598691252

Category: Fasts and feasts

In The Provenance Press Guide to the Wiccan Year, Judy Ann Nock offers you a definitive guide to the wheel of the year." Capturing the essence of the major and lesser holidays, this complete and practical reference will appeal to Wiccans of all levels of experience. The handbook offers something for everyone: recipes, crafts, activities, spells, rituals, and meditations. In these pages, Wiccans will find several appropriate cyclic activities.\ Written to inspire and expand the practice as a...

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In The Provenance Press Guide to the Wiccan Year, High Priestess Judy Ann Nock offers a definitive guide to the Wheel of the Year. Capturing the essence of both the major and lesser holidays, this complete and practical reference offers something for everyone, from history and recipes, to crafts and rituals, spells and meditations, regardless of your level of practice. There are many ways to acknowledge the passage of time, whether the observance is simple or elaborate. In these pages, there are several appropriate cyclic activities to honor the changing of the seasons. Written to inspire and expand your practice as you move through the eight Sabbats, Nock provides you with: The astrological and astronomical influences that govern the seasons Meditations that reflect timely themes Rituals and crafts to enhance your spiritual expression Beginning with Samhain, the witch's New Year, and ending with the harvest of Mabon, The Provenance Press Guide to the Wiccan Year enables you to deepen your spiritual path, regardless of the time of year.

Acknowledgments     viiPreface     ixIntroduction     xviiSamhain: A Year Ends, a Year Begins     1Yule: The God Is Reborn     37Imbolc: First Light in the Dark of Winter     65Ostara: Spring's Arrival     93Beltane: The Fertile Earth     123Litha: Summer's Song     147Lughnasad: Between Hope and Fear     175Mabon: The Harvest Is Home     203A Lunar Year and a DayThe Esbats     227AppendixTable of Correspondences     240Solstices and Equinoxes, 2007-2020     241Astronomical Sabbats     241Glossary of Terms     242Bibliography     256Index     248