Prosodic Orientation in English Conversation

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Author: Beatrice Szczepek Reed

ISBN-10: 0230008720

ISBN-13: 9780230008724

Category: Linguistics & Semiotics

This study is the first to describe and analyze prosodic orientation, a conversational strategy by which speakers design their speaking voice according to the vocal patterns used by their conversational partners. The analyses are based on instances of natural everyday talk. The book explores forms and functions of prosodic orientation, and offers a new perspective on prosody in conversation.

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This study is the first to describe and analyze prosodic orientation, a conversational strategy by which speakers design their speaking voice according to the vocal patterns used by their conversational partners. The analyses are based on instances of natural everyday talk. The book explores forms and functions of prosodic orientation, and offers a new perspective on prosody in conversation.

List of Tables and Figures     xAcknowledgements     xiPreface     xiiGAT Transcription Conventions     xiiiProsody in Conversation     1Introduction     1Prosody defined     3Previous approaches to prosody     10The tonetic approach     10Autosegmental-metrical phonology     13Firthian prosodic analysis     18Dwight Bolinger     21The prosody of spontaneous conversation     21Paradigms     22Linguistic units for the analysis of prosody in conversation     27The data     31Preview     31Prosodic Orientation     33Introduction     33Types of prosodic orientation     34Prosodic matching     35Prosodic non-matching     57Prosodic complementation     61Summary     64Interactional environments for prosodic orientation     65Prosodically orienting responses     65Turn yielding prosodic orientation     78Action-closing prosodic orientation     83Summary     87Conclusion     88Stylized Prosodic Orientation     91Introduction     91Previous research on stylized prosody     92Pike (1945)     93Abe (1962)     93Liberman (1975)     94Gibbon (1976)     96Ladd (1978)     98Haiman (1989; 1990; 1994)     100Flowe (2002)     101Couper-Kuhlen (1999a; 2004)     102Types of stylized prosodic orientations     103Musical notes or intervals     104Marked prosody     111Stylization by repetition     123Summary     126Interactional environments for stylized prosodic orientation     127Appreciation     127Stylized voicing of imaginary figures     130Conversational structures     135Stylized interludes     140Conclusion     147Collaborative Productions: Orientation in Prosody and Syntax     150Introduction     150Previous research on collaborative productions     151Sacks (1995)     151Lerner (1991; 1996)     152Ferrara (1992)     153Ono and Thompson (1995)     154Local (2000; 2005)     154Types of collaborative productions     155Types of projection     157Completions and extensions     164Collaborative productions as non-competitive early incomings     175Interactional environments for collaborative productions     179Collaborative productions in duets     179Summary     185Showing understanding     188Borrowing     197Eliciting information     201Response tokens as one form of recipient reaction     202Summary     207Conclusion     208Conclusion     209Summary     209Conclusion     211Notes     213Bibliography     219Index     229