Prentice Hall Reference Guide for Professional Writing

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Author: Muriel Harris

ISBN-10: 0131789155

ISBN-13: 9780131789159

Category: English Grammar

This handbook is designed to help students find quick answers to their questions about the writing required in their workplace and in the real world.\ Muriel Harris was the director of the Purdue Writing Center where she worked elbow-to-elbow with students and for over twenty-five years. As she worked with students, she realized that they asked the same questions over and over. Based on her experience with thousands of students in the writing center, Muriel Harris authored this spiral-bound,...

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This handbook is designed to help students find quick answers to their questions about the writing required in their workplace and in the real world.    Muriel Harris was the director of the Purdue Writing Center where she worked elbow-to-elbow with students and for over twenty-five years.  As she worked with students, she realized that they asked the same questions over and over.  Based on her experience with thousands of students in the writing center, Muriel Harris authored this spiral-bound, tabbed and brief handbook.  Her unique feature, "Compare and Correct," and "Question and Correct," allows students to find what they need to help themselves with their writing, without needing to know the terms of grammar.  Muriel Harris' Prentice Hall Reference Guide is the easiest handbook for students and instructors to use.

Preface Hints for Using This Book   Question and Correct & Compare and Correct Question and Correct: Some of the Most Commonly Asked Questions About Writing Compare and Correct    The Writing Process   1 Purposes and Audiences     a. Purpose    b. Topic    c. Thesis    d. Audience    2 Writing Processes and Strategies     a. Planning    b. Drafting    c. Organizing    d. Collaborating    e. Revising    f.  Editing and Proofreading   3 Paragraphs     a. Unity    b. Coherence    c. Development    d. Introductions and Conclusions    e. Patternsof Organization   5 Visual Argument              a. Similarities and Differences between Verbal and Visual Argument    b. Reading Visual Arguments    c. Writing Visual Arguments    Public and Professional Writing   6 Public Writing     a. Public Documents    b. Résumés   7 Allied Health    a. Allied Health Careers    b. How Writing Relates to Allied Health    c. How This Handbook Can Help You in the Allied Health Field    d. Representative Writing in the Allied Haelth Field    e. Writing Tips and Strategies for Allied Health   8 AutoCAD    a. AutoCAD Careers    b. How Writing Relates to AutoCAD    c. How This Handbook Can Help You in AutoCAD d. Representative Writing for AutoCAD    e. Writing Tips and Strategies for AutoCAD   9 Auto Technology    a. Automotive Technology Careers    b. How Writing Realtes to Automotive Careers    c. How This Handbook Can Help You in Automotive Technology    d. Representative Writing for Automotive Technology    e. Writing Tips for Automotive Technology   10 Business    a. Business Careers    b. How Writing Skills Relate to Business    c. How This Handbook Can Help You in Business    d. Represenative Writing for Business    e. Writing Tips for Business   11 Criminal Justice    a. Criminal Justice Careers    b. How Writing Skills Relate to Criminal Justice    c. How This Handbook Can Help You in Criminal Justice    d. Representative Writing for Criminal Justice Fields    e. Writing Tips and Strategies for Criminal Justice Professionals   12 Electronics    a. Careers in Electronics    b. How Writing Relates to Careers in Electronics    c. How This Handbook Can Help You in Electronics    d. Representative Writing in Electronics    e. Writing Tips and Strategies in Electronics   13 Information Technology    a. How Writing Relates to IT Careers    b. How This Handbook Can Help You in IT Careers    c. Representative Writing for IT Careers    d. Writing Tips and Strategies for IT   14 Document Design     a. Principles in Document Design    b. Visual Elements    c. Web Page Design    d. Paper Preperation   Revising Sentences for Accuracy, Clarity, and Variety   15 Comma Splices and Fused Sentences     a. Comma Splices    b. Fused or Run-On Sentences   16 Subject-Verb Agreement     a. Singular and Plural Subjects    b. Buried Subjects    c. Compound Subjects    d. Or and Either/Or in Subjects    e. Casues and Phrases as Subjects    f. Indefinites as Subjects    g. Collective Nounsa and Amounts as Subjects    h. Plural Words as Subjects    i. Titles. Company Names, Words, and Quotations as Subjects    j. Linking Verbs    k. There (is/are), Here (is/are), and It    l. Who , Which, That, and One as Subjects   17 Sentence Fragments     a. Unintentional Fragments    b. Intentional Fragments   19 Parallel Constructions     a. Parralell Structure    b. Faulty Parallelism   20 Consistency (Avoiding Shifts)    a. Shifts in Person or Number    b. Shifts in Verb Tense     c. Shifts in Tone    d. Shifts in Voice    e. Shifts in Discourse    21 Faulty Predication     22 Coordination and Subordination    a. Coordination    b. Subordination    23 Sentence Clarity     a. Moving From Known (Old) to Unknown (New) Information    b. Using Positive Instead of Negative Statements    c. Aviodin g Double Negatives    d. Using Verbs Instead of Nouns    e. Making the Intended Subject the Sentence Subject    f. Using Active Instead of Passive Voice   24 Transitions     a.  Repetition of a Key Term or Phrase  b.  Synonyms  c.  Pronouns  d.  Transitional Words and Phrases  e.  Transitions in and Between Paragraphs    a.  Combining Sentences  b.  Adding Words  c.  Changing Words, Phrases, and Clauses  26 Verbs  a.  Verb Phrases  b.  Verb Forms  c.  Verb Tense  d.  Verb Voice  e.  Verb Mood  f .  Modal Verbs   27 Nouns and Pronouns a.  Nouns  b.  Pronouns    28 Pronoun Case and Reference  a.  Pronoun Case b.  Pronoun Reference    29 Adjectives and Adverbs a.  Adjectives and Adverbs  b.  A/An/The  c.  Comparisons    30 Prepositions  a. Common Prepositions  b. Idiomatic Prepositions  c. Other Prepositions    31 Subjects    32 Phrases    33 Clauses  a.  Independent Clauses  b.  Dependent Clauses    34 Essential and Nonessential Clauses and Phrases     a.  Essential Clauses and Phrases  b.  Nonessential Clauses and Phrases    35 Sentences  a.  Sentence Purposes  b.  Sentence Structures Punctuation   Punctuation   36 Commas  a.  Commas in Compound Sentences  b.  Commas After Introductory Words, Phrases, and Clauses c.  Commas with Essential and Nonessential Words, Phrases, and Clauses  d.  Commas in Series and Lists  e.  Commas with Adjectives  f .  Commas with Dates, Addresses, Geographical Names, and Numbers  g.  Other Uses for Commas  h.  Unnecessary Commas    37 Apostrophes a. Apostrophes with Possessives  b. Apostrophes with Contractions  c. Apostrophes with Plurals  d. Unnecessary Apostrophes    38 Semicolons  a. Semicolons in Compound Sentences  b. Semicolons in a Series  c. Semicolons with Quotation Marks  d. Unnecessary Semicolons   39 Colons a. Colons to Announce Elements at the End of a Sentence  b. Colons to Separate Independent Clauses  c. Colons to Announce Quotations  d. Colons in Salutations and Between Elements e. Colons with Quotation Marks f. Unnecessary Colons    40 Quotation Marks a. Quotation Marks with Direct and Indirect Quotations b. Quotation Marks for Minor Titles and Parts of Wholes c. Quotation Marks for Words d. Use of Other Punctuation with Quotation Marks e. Unnecessary Quotation Marks   41 Hyphens       a. Hyphens to Divide Words b. Hyphens to Form Compound  Words c. Hyphens to Join Word Units d. Hyphens to Join Prefixes, Suffixes, and Letters to a Word e. Hyphens to Avoid Ambiguity   42 End Punctuation cull      a. Periods b. Question Marks c. Exclamation Points   43 Other Punctuation  a. Dashes b. Slashes c. Parentheses d. Brackets e. Ellipsis (Omitted Words) Mechanics and Spelling   Mechanics and Spelling   44 Capitals    45 Abbreviations       a. Abbreviating Numbers b. Abbreviating Titles c. Abbreviating Place Names d. Abbreviating Measurements e. Abbreviating Dates f. Abbreviating Initials Used as Names g. Abbreviating Latin Expressions h. Abbreviating Documentation   46 Numbers    47 Underlining/Italics       a. Underlining for Titles b. Other Uses of Underlining   48 Spelling       a. Proofreading b. Using Spell-Checkers c. Some Spelling Guidelines d. Plurals e. Sound-Alike Words (Homonyms) Style and Word Choice   Style and Word Choice   49 Sexist Language  a. Alternatives to Man b. Alternative Job Titles c. Alternatives to the Male or Female Pronoun   50 Unnecessary Words     a. Conciseness    b. Clichés    c. Pretentious Language   51 Appropriate Words  a. Standard English b. Colloquialisms, Slang, and Regionalisms c. Levels of Formality d. Jargon and Technical Terms e. General and Specific Words f. Concrete and Abstract Words g. Denotation and Connotation h. Offensive Language   ESL and Multilingual Writers   52 American Style in Writing    53 Verbs     a. Helping Verbs with Main Verbs    b. Two-Word (Phrasal) Verbs    c. Verbs with -ing and to + Verb Forms   54 Omitted Words     a. Verbs    b. Subjects and There or It   55 Repeated Words     a. Subjects    b. Pronouns and Adverbs   56 Count and Noncount Nouns    57 Adjectives and Adverbs  a. Placement b. Order c. A/An/The d. Some/Any, Much/Many, Little/Few,Less/Fewer, Enough, No   58 Prepositions   59 Idioms   Research   60 Finding a Topic     a. Deciding on a Purpose    b. Understanding Why Plagiarism Is Wrong    c. Deciding on a Topic    d. Narrowing the Topic    e. Formulating a Research Question    f.  Formulating a Thesis   61 Searching for Information     a. Choosing Primary and Secondary Sources    b. Searching the Internet    c. Searching Libraries    d. Searching Other Sources   62 Using Web Resources     a. Web Site Bibliographic Information    b. Useful Web Sites   63 Evaluating Sources    a. Getting Started    b. Evaluating Internet Sources    c. Evaluating Bibliographic Citations    d. Evaluating Content   64 Collecting Information     a. Keeping Notes on a Computer    b. Printing and Annotating Photocopies and Printouts    c. Starting a Working Bibliography    d. Writing Notecards   65 Using Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism     a. Recognizing Plagiarism    b. Summarizing Without Plagiarizing    c. Paraphrasing Without Plagiarizing    d. Using Quotation Marks to Avoid Plagiarizing    e. Using Signal Words and Phrases to Integrate Sources     66 Writing the Research Paper     a. Getting Started    b. Planning and Organizing    c. Writing a Draft    d. Reviewing the Draft    e. Revising, Editing, and Checking  the Format   MLA Documentation   67 Documenting in MLAStyle  a. In-Text Citations b. Endnotes c. Works Cited List d. Sample MLA-Style Research     APA, CSE and Other Documentation   68 Documenting in APA Style     a. In-Text Citations    b. Footnotes    c. References List    d. Sample APA-Style Research Paper   69 Documenting in Other Styles     a. Council of Science Editors (CSE)    b. Resources for Other Styles Index and Glossaries.   Glossary of Usage Glossary of Grammatical Terms Index