Premediation: Affect and Mediality after 9/11

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Author: Richard Grusin

ISBN-10: 0230242529

ISBN-13: 9780230242524

Category: Communications - General & Miscellaneous

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In an era of heightened securitization, print, televisual and networked media have become obsessed with the pre-mediation of future events. In response to the shock of 9/11, socially networked US and global media work to premediate collective affects of anticipation and connectivity, while also perpetuating low levels of apprehension or fear.

Preface and Acknowledgements ixIntroduction 1Remediation after 9/11 1Brief notes on method 41 Remediating 9/11 8"After 9/11" 8Remediating 9/11 119/11: theorization or mediatization? 16"We are all Americans" 23The new normal 25The emergence of premediated time 332 Premediation 38Remediation and premediation 38The media regime of pre-emptive war 41Autopoiesis and the liveness of futurity 50From virtual reality to the reality of the virtual 573 Affect, Mediality, and Abu Ghraib 62The trouble with Abu Ghraib 62Remediating pornography? 67Unknown knowns 69Mediality 72Affectivity 77Torture and pornography 82Transmitting affect 864 The Affective Life of Media 90Cyborgs 90Feedback loops 97Affective computing 109Mediators 1185 The Anticipation of Security 122Premediation and securitization 122Anticipatory gestures 126Mediaphilia 131Premediation and politics 134Conclusion 143Beyond 9/11 143Natural things 144Economic things 147Social things 151Notes 156Works Cited 180Index 189