Preaching Proverbs

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Author: Alyce M. McKenzie

ISBN-10: 0664256538

ISBN-13: 9780664256531

Category: General & Miscellaneous Bible Studies

Proverbs abound in contemporary culture and in biblical texts. But surprisingly, the use of proverbial wisdom is conspicuously absent in the contemporary pulpit. Alyce McKenzie offers preachers an effective way to reclaim proverbs in preaching, highlights their usefulness in contemporary situations, and demonstrates their ability to confirm (or subvert) the status quo.

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Proverbs, both biblical and contemporary, offer effective toos for conveying messages with impact. Alyce McKenzie shows how to reclaim these powerful tools for today's pulpit.

PrefaceAcknowledgmentsIntroduction: The Preacher as Sage1Wisdom Is Vindicated by Her Deeds: What Makes Proverbs Work32With the Judgment You Make: What Proverbs Do103No Good Tree Bears Bad Fruit: How to Create Sermons on Proverbs174The Wise, When Rebuked, Will Love You: Biblical Proverbs That Create Order275Increasing Knowledge Increases Sorrow: Biblical Proverbs That Subvert Order416All Who Exalt Themselves Will Be Humbled: Jesus' Subversive Sayings597No Fear, Just Do It: Contemporary Proverbs798The Proof Is in the Pudding: Preaching Proverbs That Create Order1039Set for the Rise and Fall of Many: Preaching Proverbs That Subvert Order127Notes151Index169