Power over Peoples: Technology, Environments, and Western Imperialism, 1400 to the Present

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Author: Daniel R. Headrick

ISBN-10: 0691139334

ISBN-13: 9780691139333

Category: History of Technology

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"This is a major contribution to historical studies, as well as the study of technological change and economic history. Headrick asks a set of questions that are infrequently discussed, and analyzes them in an interesting way. This will be an important and widely cited book."--Stanley L. Engerman, University of Rochester

Acknowledgments ix Introduction Imperialism and Technology 1 On Imperialism 1 On Technology 3 The Goal and Organization of This Book 6 Notes 9Chapter 1: The Discovery of the Oceans, to 1779 11 Five Seafaring Traditions 11 The Portuguese and the Ocean 20 Navigation 27 The Spanish Voyages 32 Completing the Map of the Oceans 41 Conclusion 50 Notes 51Chapter 2: Eastern Ocean Empires, 1497-1700 59 The Portuguese in the Indian Ocean 59 The Ottoman Challenge 68 The Limits of Portuguese Power 74 The Dutch and the English in the Indian Ocean 79 China, Japan, and the Europeans 84 Conclusion 87 Notes 89Chapter 3: Horses, Diseases, and the Conquest of the Americas, 1492-1849 95 The First Encounter: The Caribbean 96 The Conquest of Mexico 101 Peru and Chile 112 Argentina and North America 118 Disease and Demography 123 Conclusion 131 Notes 132Chapter 4: The Limits of the Old Imperialism: Africa and Asia to 1859 139 Sub-Saharan Africa to 1830 139 India to 1746 147 The Military Revolution 151 Plassey and After 154 Reaching the Limit: Afghanistan and the Punjab 158 Reaching the Limit: Algeria, 1830-1850 163 Russia and the Caucasus 167 Conclusion 169 Notes 170Chapter 5: Steamboat Imperialism, 1807-1898 177 Steamboats in North America 179 Steamers in South Asia 186 Routes to India 188 The Euphrates Route 191 The Red Sea Route 194 Britain and China 197 The Nemesis 200 Steamboats on the Niger 206 Steamboats and the Scramble for Africa 212 Conclusion 216 Notes 217Chapter 6: Health, Medicine, and the New Imperialism, 1830-1914 226 Medicine and Africa in the Early Nineteenth Century 226 The Discovery of Quinine Prophylaxis 229 Public Health at Mid-Century 234 From Empirical to Scientific Medicine 237 Science and Tropical Diseases 239 Health and Empire at the Turn of the Century 243 Conclusion 249 Notes 251Chapter 7: Weapons and Colonial Wars, 1830-1914 257 The Gun Revolution 257 Guns in Africa 265 The Scramble for Africa 269 North America 276 Argentina and Chile 284 Ethiopia 289 Conclusion 291 Notes 292Chapter 8: The Age of Air Control, 1911-1936 302 The Beginnings of Aviation 303 Early Colonial Air Campaigns 306 Great Britain in Iraq 311 Air Control in Action 314 Spain in the Rif 321 Italy in Africa 324 Conclusion 327 Notes 329Chapter 9: The Decline of Air Control, 1946-2007 334 France in Indochina 335 France in Algeria 337 The United States in Vietnam 340 The Soviet Union in Afghanistan 349 U.S. Military Aviation after Vietnam 353 The Gulf War 357 The Iraq War 359 Conclusion 363 Notes 364 Conclusion Technology and Imperialism Redux 370Notes 373 For Further Reading 375 Index 381