Post-Broadcast Democracy: How Media Choice Increases Inequality in Political Involvement and Polarizes Elections

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Author: Markus Prior

ISBN-10: 0521858720

ISBN-13: 9780521858724

Category: Mass Media & Politics

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The impact of the media on politics in the United States during the last half-century.

List of Tables     xiList of Figures     xiiiAcknowledgments     xvIntroduction     1Conditional Political Learning     27The Participatory Effects of Media ChoiceBroadcast Television, Political Knowledge, and Turnout     55Appendix to Chapter 3: Measuring Political Knowledge, Nes 1952-1968     92From Low Choice to High Choice: The Impact of Cable Television and Internet on News Exposure, Political Knowledge, and Turnout     94Appendix to Chapter 4: Description of Knowledge Measures     138From Low Choice to High Choice: Does Greater Media Choice Affect Total News Consumption and Average Turnout?     142The Political Effects of Media ChoiceBroadcast Television, Partisanship, and the Incumbency Advantage     163Partisan Polarization in the High-Choice Media Environment     214Appendix to Chapter 7: Using a Selection Model to Simulate Partisan Vote Strength in the Full Electorate     249Divided by Choice: Audience Fragmentation and Political Inequality in the Post-Broadcast Media Environment     255References     289Index     309