Polymer Melt Processing: Foundations in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer

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Author: Morton Denn

ISBN-10: 0521899699

ISBN-13: 9780521899697

Category: Hydrodynamics

Most of the shaping in the manufacture of polymeric objects is carried out in the melt state, as it is a substantial part of the physical property development. Melt processing involves an interplay between fluid mechanics and heat transfer in rheologically complex liquids, and taken as a whole it is a nice example of the importance of coupled transport processes. This book is on the underlying foundations of polymer melt processing, which can be derived from relatively straightforward ideas...

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This book is on the underlying foundations of the processing of polymer melts.

1 Polymer Processing 12 Fundamentals 183 Extrusion 374 Temperature and Pressure Effects in Flow 565 The Thin Gap Approximation 656 Quasi-Steady Analysis of Mold Filling 727 Fiber Spinning 838 Numerical Simulation 1099 Polymer Melt Rheology 12610 Viscoelasticity in Processing Flows 15311 Stability and Sensitivity 17512 Wall Slip and Extrusion Instabilities 19913 Structured Fluids 21714 Mixing and Dispersion 231Author Index 241Subject Index 245Color insert follows page 86

\ From the Publisher"There are many aspects of this book to commend. The first is that it does not minimize the difficulties of the subject, yet manages to chart a course that builds on what a chemical engineering senior or graduate student can reasonably expect to find familiar up to the point where the difficulties of the subject can be properly grasped… The last three chapters are the densest; for me they were the most instructive and thought-provoking. They convinced me that progress is being made in modeling and tackling the unacceptable unsteadiness and non-uniformity observed in many current processes… I can justly end by urging every research worker in polymer processing to have a copy to hand on their shelves."\ J.R.A. Pearson, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics\ \