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Author: Charnan Simon

ISBN-10: 1567664717

ISBN-13: 9781567664713

Category: Business & Careers

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An introduction to plumbers and the work that they do.Joyce Rice - Children's LiteratureAny unit on careers should include careers without college preparation. Learning about plumbers will help children to remember that there are many options available to them. Readers are introduced to the different types of work a plumber might do and the special training that a plumber must have. A discussion of this career could also include a discussion about apprenticeships. This is an excellent book for beginning career exploration with young children. Classroom teachers may want to develop a unit on careers using these books as the starting point. Plumbers is part of the "Wonder Books" series of nonfiction, grade level readers. Six titles are included in this portion of the series at level three, with a glossary, an index, and references. Other books in the series cover American landmarks, events in U. S. History, and values. 2003, The Child's World,

\ Children's LiteratureAny unit on careers should include careers without college preparation. Learning about plumbers will help children to remember that there are many options available to them. Readers are introduced to the different types of work a plumber might do and the special training that a plumber must have. A discussion of this career could also include a discussion about apprenticeships. This is an excellent book for beginning career exploration with young children. Classroom teachers may want to develop a unit on careers using these books as the starting point. Plumbers is part of the "Wonder Books" series of nonfiction, grade level readers. Six titles are included in this portion of the series at level three, with a glossary, an index, and references. Other books in the series cover American landmarks, events in U. S. History, and values. 2003, The Child's World, \ — Joyce Rice\ \