Playing for Paterno: One Coach, Two Eras: A Father and Son's Personal Recollections of Playing for JoePa

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Author: Tony Pittman

ISBN-10: 1600780008

ISBN-13: 9781600780004

Category: Football - Biography

Penn State football icon Joe Paterno has presided over five undefeated seasons in his storied career as a head coach. Charlie and Tony Pittman played in three of those seasons. The Pittmans are the only undefeated father and son starters in the history of the Nittany Lions’ program and their experiences are brought to life in their compelling new memoir Playing for Paterno. Charlie Pittman’s teams—unbeaten in 30 games—laid the foundation and established the legacy for Penn State’s winning...

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The Pittmans are the only undefeated father-and-son starters in the history of the Nittany Lions' program. In the Pittmans' years under Paterno's tutelage, they learned the discipline and confidence they needed for success, both on and off the field.