Philosophy for Understanding Theology, Second Edition

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Author: Diogenes Allen

ISBN-10: 0664231802

ISBN-13: 9780664231804

Category: General & Miscellaneous Theology

Philosophy for Understanding Theology has become the classic text for exploring the relationship between philosophy and Christian theology. This new edition adds chapters on postmodernism and questions of the self and the good to bring the book up to date with current scholarship. It introduces students to the influence that key philosophers and philosophical movements through the centuries have had on shaping Christian theology in both its understandings and forms of expression.

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Philosophy for Understanding Theology has become the classic text for exploring the relationship between philosophy and Christian theology. This new edition adds chapters on postmodernism and questions of the self and the good to bring the book up to date with current scholarship. It introduces students to the influence that key philosophers and philosophical movements through the centuries have had on shaping Christian theology in both its understandings and forms of expression.About the Author:Diogenes Allen is Smart Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Princeton Theological Seminary

Preface     ixAcknowledgments     xiiiIntroduction: The Foundation of Christian Theology: The World Was Created     xvPlato: The World Is the Handiwork of a Mind     1Plato: This World Is Not Our Home     21The Platonic Tradition: The Stoics, Plotinus, and Pseudo-Dionysius     39Aristotle: His Categories and the Mystery of God     65Aristotle and the Creation of Scholastic Theology     77Aquinas's Program and Two Critics: Karl Barth and Process Theology     103The Beginnings of the Modern World: Nominalism, Humanism, the Scientific Revolution     113Early Modern Philosophy: Rationalism, Empiricism, the Enlightenment     129Kant and the Limits of Knowledge     155Hegel and the Restoration of Optimism     169The Search for Meaning in Contemporary Philosophy: Existentialism, Phenomenology, and Hermeneutics     187Postmodernism: Truth, Objectivity, and Certainty     209Postmodernism: Moral Philosophy     231Notes     253Suggested Reading     257Index     261