Philosophy and Logic in Search of the Polish Tradition: Essays in Honour of Jan Wolenski on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday

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Author: Artur Rojszczak

ISBN-10: 1402017219

ISBN-13: 9781402017216

Category: European & American Philosophy

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This volume contains papers on truth, logic, semantics, and history of logic and philosophy. These papers are dedicated to Jan Wolenski to honour his 60th birthday.Jan Wolenski is professor of philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland. He is likely to be the most well-known Polish philosopher of this time, best known for his work on the history of the philosophy and logic of the Lvov-Warsaw School. Furthermore, he's published numerous books and articles dealing with various issues of epistemology and philosophy of language This collection is mainly addressed to researchers and graduate students in philosophy, logic, and history and philosophy of science.

PrefaceA Minimalist Critique of Tarski on Truth3Is Strong Correspondence (Theory of Truth) Possible?13Content and Likeness Definitions of Truthlikeness27Absolute Truth in a Changing World37On the Epistemology of Game-theoretical Semantics57Can Majority be Supervalued?67On Belnap's Branching Space-Times77Partially Interpreted Henkin Quantifiers93Tarski and Lesniewski on Languages with Meaning versus Languages without Use109Ajdukiewicz on Language Change and Truth131Alfred Tarski and a Watershed Meeting in Logic: Cornell, 1957151On Thinking about the Mental and the Physical163Bernard Bolzano's Wissenschaftslehre' and Polish Analytical Philosophy between 1894 and 1935179Dispositions, Their Bases and Correlates - Meinong's Analysis193Reactions to the Discovery of the Incompleteness Phenomenon213Truthmakers, Truthbearers and the Objectivity of Truth229The Extension of the Concept Abolished? Reflexions on a Fregean Dilemma269Selected Bibliography of Jan Wolenski's Works275Index of Names287