Philosophical Propositions: An Introduction to Philosophy

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Author: Jonath Westphal

ISBN-10: 0415170524

ISBN-13: 9780415170529

Category: General & Miscellaneous Philosophy

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Philosophical Propositions is a fresh, up to date, and reliable introduction to philosophical problems. It takes seriously the need for philosophy to deal with definitive and statable propositions, such as God, certainty, time, personal identity, the mind/body problem, free will and determinism, and the meaning of life.

List of FiguresPrefaceAcknowledgementsCh. 1The Nature of a Philosophical Problem: What Is Philosophy?1Ch. 2Some Basic Concepts of Logic and Philosophy: What Is a Valid Argument?13Ch. 3The Problem of Evil: Why Does God Allow Evil to Exist?27Ch. 4The Existence of God: Can the Existence of God Be Proved?41Ch. 5Certainty: What Is Certainty and What Is Certain?56Ch. 6Time: How Can Time Exist?72Ch. 7Personal Identity: What Am I?89Ch. 8The Mind-Body Problem: How is the Mind Related to the Body?107Ch. 9Freewill and Determinism: Are People Free?133Ch. 10The Meaning of Life: What Is the Meaning of Life?145Index165