Perspectives On Nursing Theory

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Author: Pamela G. Reed

ISBN-10: 0781747430

ISBN-13: 9780781747431

Category: General & Miscellaneous - Nursing

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This invaluable resource presents more than 60 of the most widely read and frequently cited articles that reflect seminal, current, and futurist thinking and perspectives on nursing theory. Classic and contemporary articles from many of the great leaders in nursing over the past forty years serve to clarify and amplify the historic and current debates in the field. Forty new articles on the cutting-edge of today's current and future trends have replaced older articles in this Fourth Edition. The content has been reorganized by chronology and theme for ease-of-use and quick reference. Doody Review Services Reviewer:Vicki Ann Moss, DNSc, MS, BSN, RN(University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh)Description:This is the fourth edition of an anthology focusing on the metatheoretical or philosophical dimensions of the discipline of nursing. It includes classic and contemporary articles on the nature of theory and the development of nursing knowledge. The previous edition was published in 1997. Purpose:This is a comprehensive overview of the ongoing discussions related to theory and knowledge development in nursing. Its purpose is not only to inform, but to provoke continued thought and discussion about nursing's unique body of knowledge. The book has been updated with cutting-edge information on nursing theory including international perspectives. Audience:It is intended for graduate level nurses and students, and faculty who are involved in theory and research. The editors also see a use for the future when practicing nurses will be expected to develop as well as use theory. The editors and contributors include a wide range of nurses and faculty with appropriate credentials for theory and knowledge development in the discipline.Features:There are 62 articles with 21 retained from previous editions as classics. It has been trimmed down to replace redundancies with contemporary information reflecting the changes in theoretical thinking since the 1997 edition. The book is arranged into five broad units: structure of nursing knowledge, historical perspectives in nursing theory, philosophic foundations of science and theory, nursing theory and practice, and future directions for nursing theory. The fifth unit is new to this edition and challenges readers to explore the 20th century assumptions of nursing science. Biographical information is given about the authors as well as commentary about their personal theoretical ideas.Assessment:This book is one of a kind that brings together the thoughts of the who's who in nursing science development as well as contemporary thinkers who propose new philosophies and paradigms. The final section on nursing's future makes this edition unique and provokes thought on the path of nursing science. The addition of international authors is a plus.

Unit 1Structures of Nursing KnowledgeCh. 1Philosophy, Science, Theory: Interrelationships and Implications for Nursing Research3Ch. 2The Relationship between Theory and Research: A Double Helix11Ch. 3Nursing Questions that Science Cannot Answer23Ch. 4Scientific Inquiry in Nursing: A Model for a New Age31Ch. 5Nursing Systems and Nursing Models49Ch. 6Levels of Theoretical Thinking in Nursing55Ch. 7Theoretical Thinking in Nursing: Problems and Prospects63Ch. 8Theories: Components, Development, Evaluation75Ch. 9Framework for Analysis and Evaluation of Conceptual Models of Nursing87Unit 2Historical Perspectives on Nursing TheoryCh. 10Nursing's Scientific Quest97Ch. 11The History and Philosophy of Nursing Science and Research105Ch. 12Nursing's Theoretical Evolution113Ch. 13Perspectives on Nursing Theory121Ch. 14Congruence between Existing Theories of Family Functioning and Nursing Theories133Ch. 15Theory: Of or For Nursing?141Ch. 16An Analysis of Changing Trends in Philosophies of Science on Nursing Theory Development and Testing145Ch. 17A Non-Theorist's Perspective on Nursing Theory: Issues of the 1990s159Ch. 18Nursing Reformation: Historical Reflections and Philosophic Foundations169Unit 3Philosophic Foundations of Science and TheoryCh. 19From a Plethora of Paradigms to Parsimony in Worldviews179Ch. 20Prevailing Paradigms in Nursing185Ch. 21Toward a New View of Science: Implications for Nursing Research191Ch. 22A Multiparadigm Approach to Nursing201Ch. 23Toward a Complementary Perspective on Worldviews213Ch. 24Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing221Ch. 25Nursing Epistemology: Traditions, Insights, Questions229Ch. 26'Unknowing': Toward Another Pattern of Knowing in Nursing239Ch. 27Patterns of Knowing: Review, Critique, and Update247Ch. 28From Carper's Patterns of Knowing to Ways of Being: An Ontological Philosophical Shift in Nursing259Ch. 29Unitary Appreciative Inquiry271Ch. 30On Nursing Theories and Evidence285Ch. 31The Discipline of Nursing293Ch. 32Philosophical Sources of Nursing Theory305Ch. 33The Focus of the Discipline of Nursing315Ch. 34Nursing: The Ontology of the Discipline321Ch. 35Nursing as a Practice Rather Than an Art or a Science329Ch. 36Nursing as Means of Governmentality335Ch. 37Nursing Theorizing as an Ethical Endeavor347Ch. 38Integration of Nursing Theory and Nursing Ethics355Ch. 39Caring Knowledge and Informed Moral Passion365Ch. 40Relational Narrative: The Postmodern Turn in Nursing Ethics375Ch. 41Nursing Ethics in an Era of Globalization387Ch. 42Nursing's Syntax Revisited: A Critique of Philosophies Said to Influence Nursing Theories403Ch. 43Postmodernism and Knowledge Development in Nursing415Ch. 44Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained: Defending Nursing Against a Single Reading of Postmodernism423Ch. 45Conversation Across Paradigms: Unitary Transformative and Critical Feminist Perspectives433Ch. 46Caring Science and the Science of Unitary Human Beings: A Trans-Theoretical Discourse for Nursing Knowledge Development449Unit 4Nursing Theory and PracticeCh. 47The Practitioner as Theorist465Ch. 48Theorizing the Knowledge That Nurses Use in the Conduct of Their Work473Ch. 49Transforming Practice Knowledge into Nursing Knowledge - A Revisionist Analysis of Peplau485Ch. 50Toward an Understanding of Art in Nursing495Ch. 51The Art of Nursing509Ch. 52Practical Nursing Judgment: A Moderate Realist Conception519Ch. 53Bridging the Gulf between Science and Action: The "New Fuzzies" of Neopragmatism531Ch. 54Nursing as Normative Praxis541Unit 5Future Directions for Nursing TheoryCh. 55The Unrecognized Paradigm Shift in Nursing: Implications, Problems, and Possibilities553Ch. 56A Treatise on Nursing Knowledge Development for the 21st century: Beyond Postmodernism561Ch. 57Nursing Science and the Space Age573Ch. 58The Pattern that Connects585Ch. 59Middle Range Theory: Spinning Research and Practice to Create Knowledge for the New Millennium593Ch. 60An Integrative Framework for Conceptualizing Clients: A Proposal for a Nursing Perspective in the New Century605Ch. 61Philosophy of Technology and Nursing613Ch. 62What is Nursing Science?627Author Index641General Index645