Outlaws Of Medieval Legend (Rev)

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Author: Maurice Keen

ISBN-10: 0415236509

ISBN-13: 9780415236508

Category: Ancient & Medieval Literature

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Wonderfully written and beautifully presented , The Outlaws of Medieval Legend brings the popular heroes of the Middle-Ages to life. Featuring both famous - Robin Hood and William Wallace - and now forgotten rogues such as Gamelyn and Fulke Fitzwarin, this book explains the popularity of these semi-mythical figures, and how their stories appealed to the common people of the Middle Ages.Long unavailable, and now featuring a new introduction from the author, this is the perfect book for anyone with a fondness for medieval history and folklore.

Preface to the New EditionPrefaceIntroduction to the Second EditionIntroduction: Some RecantationsIThe Matter of the Greenwood1IIThe Story of Hereward9IIIThe Historical Background of the Hereward Legend23IVThe Romance of Fulk Fitzwarin39VThe Romance of Eustace the Monk53VIWilliam Wallace and the Scottish Outlaws64VIIThe Tale of Gamelyn78VIIIThe Robin Hood Ballads (I)95IXThe Robin Hood Ballads (II)116XThe Historical Background of the Robin Hood Ballads128XIThe Outlaw Ballad as an Expression of Peasant Discontent145XIIThe Historicity of Robin Hood174XIIIThe Outlaw in History191XIVConclusions208App. IThe Supposed Mythological Origin of the Robin Hood Legend219App. IISources and Bibliography223App. IIIAdditional Bibliography226App. IVRobin Hood in Recent Historical Writing (1977-86): A Postscript229Index236