Our Corner Grocery Store

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Author: Joanne Schwartz

ISBN-10: 0887768687

ISBN-13: 9780887768682

Category: Business & Careers

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A picture book that celebrates local shops and building communities.Anna Maria takes great pleasure and pride in her grandparents’ corner grocery store. Every Saturday she spends the day helping to arrange fruits and vegetables, greet the customers, and keep things neat and tidy. Through her day we meet the neighbors and learn what an important part the corner grocery store plays in the community. Nonno Domenico, Nonna Rosa, and Anna Maria supply more than goods as the steady stream of customers arrives. Lunches are made, news is shared, bargains are purchased, recipes are traded, and cheerful ciaos are called. By the end of a long day, Anna Maria has a true sense of just how wonderful the sights and smells within the store are and how much they mean to everyone.Charmingly illustrated in great detail, Our Corner Grocery Store pays tribute to the small independent grocers who supply color and atmosphere to city streets. Young readers will particularly enjoy finding and naming the wide array of produce, breads, candies, and dry goods that abound in this friendly establishment.Children's LiteratureCarefully detailed illustrations add to the sense of an idyllic, slow-paced life in this charming book set in a neighborhood many would like to live in were it possible. The corner store is owned by Anna Maria's Nonno Domenico and Nonna Rosa and everyone in the family helps out. Anna Maria works in the store on Saturdays. She arrives early when the street is quiet and after Nonna Rosa gives her breakfast they open the store at eight o'clock. The day passes as customers come and go. Many of Anna Maria's friends come in at lunch time for Nonno Domenico's tasty sandwiches and some of them return in the afternoon to pick out candy for a snack. Anna Maria must help out, but she does have time to share a Freezie with her friend Charlie. Although it may be about an ordinary day with people doing ordinary things, the descriptive writing and the wonderful illustrations lift this book far above the ordinary. Reviewer: Carolyn Mott Ford