Ounce Of Prevention

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Author: Johanna G. Wellheiser

ISBN-10: 0810841762

ISBN-13: 9780810841765

Category: Industrial Health & Safety

Fire, flood, earthquake, vandalism, a terrorist attack—the issues of safety measures, emergency response, and disaster recovery have now become an important part of the planning strategies for most organizations. For the information organization, such as a library, archives, or record center, this responsibility has taken on new dimensions with the proliferation of various forms of electronic media. The authors take the approach that disaster recovery planning must touch every department of...

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An Ounce of Prevention is a comprehensive and practical guide to the process of disaster planning. This completely revised and expanded publication builds on the strengths of its award-winning predecessor. Used as a planning tool, it will help you develop strategies for effective disaster prevention and recovery.

Table of ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsPermissionsIntroductionSelected Acronyms1.0Disaster Planning31.1Introduction31.2Disaster Planning in Practice31.3Disaster Planning Worldwide71.4Disaster Planning in Canada102.0The Disaster Plan152.1The Purpose of the Disaster Plan152.2The Process for Developing a Disaster Plan172.3The Disaster Planning Committee (DPC)222.4The Disaster Action Team (DAT)242.5The Characteristics of the Disaster Plan262.6The Components of the Disaster Plan273.0Disaster Prevention Planning333.1The Purpose of Disaster Prevention Planning333.2The Process for Disaster Prevention Planning333.3The Risk Hazard Analysis353.4Disaster Profiles393.5Disaster Prevention Guidelines484.0Disaster Protection Planning654.1The Purpose of Disaster Protection Planning654.2The Process for Disaster Protection Planning654.3Fire Protection Issues664.4Fire Detection Options684.5Automatic Fire Alarm and Signalling Options704.6Automatic Fire Suppression Options714.7Manual Fire Suppression Options764.8Smoke Control Options764.9Water Detection Options774.10Protective Measures for Electronic Data, Computer Systems and Equipment774.11Protective Storage Measures784.12Trained Staff as a Protective Measure825.0Disaster Preparedness Planning855.1The Purpose of Disaster Preparedness Planning855.2The Process for Disaster Preparedness Planning855.3Liaisons with External Agencies895.4The Collections Survey905.5Materials of Intrinsic Value905.6The Vital Records Programme915.7Insurance Coverage925.8Data and Systems Preparedness Strategies945.9Collections and Records Recovery Priorities995.10Relocation Sites and Duplication/Dispersal Strategies1015.11Disaster-Related Equipment, Supplies and Services1026.0Disaster Response Planning1096.1The Purpose of Disaster Response Planning1096.2The Stages of Disaster Response Planning1096.3Stage I: Disaster Forewarning Planning1106.4Stage II: Immediate Emergency Response Planning1146.5Stage III: Recovery Strategy Planning: Collections and Records1226.6Stage IV: Recovery Strategy Planning: Support Operations1407.0Disaster Recovery Planning for Collections and Records1497.1The Purpose of Disaster Recovery Planning for Collections and Records1497.2The Process for Disaster Recovery Planning for Collections and Records1507.3General Disaster Recovery Guidelines1527.4Disaster Recovery Guidelines by Material1568.0Disaster Rehabilitation Planning for Collections and Records1818.1The Purpose of Disaster Rehabilitation Planning for Collections and Records1818.2The Process for Disaster Rehabilitation Planning for Collections and Records1818.3Collections and Records Rehabilitation Options1858.4Basic In-House Rehabilitation Options for Collections and Records1878.5Alternatives to Collections and Records Rehabilitation1909.0Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation Planning for Facilities and Systems1959.1The Purpose of Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation Planning for Facilities and Systems1959.2The Process for Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation Planning for Facilities and Systems1959.3Selected Recovery and Rehabilitation Options for Facilities1989.4Computer Systems Recovery and Rehabilitation Options20010.0Post-Disaster Planning20310.1The Purpose of Post-Disaster Planning20310.2The Process for Post-Disaster Planning20310.3Post-Disaster Debriefing Sessions20510.4Staff Counselling20510.5The Post-Disaster Assessment20610.6Modifications to the Disaster Plan and Operations20810.7The Insurance Claim20810.8The Internal Disaster Report20910.9Recognition and Appreciation210App. 1First National Summit on Heritage and Risk Preparedness in Canada, Quebec City, Quebec. September 1996. Final Declaration213App. 2Emergency Preparedness Canada (EPC)217App. 3: Resources227References247Index269

\ American Libraries...covers all the steps from writing the plan to what to do after a disaster forces you to implement your response to a worst-case scenario.\ \ \ \ \ Archivaria...[this] resource directed specifically at archives and similar organizations provides a useful filter for this information.\ \ \ C&Rl News...a comprehensive guide to planning for disaster prevention, protection, preparedness, response, recovery, and rehabilitation for archives, libraries, and record centers.\ \ \ \ \ College & Research Libraries News...a comprehensive guide to planning for disaster prevention, protection, preparedness, response, recovery, and rehabilitation for archives, libraries, and record centers.\ \ \ \ \ International Preservation NewsThe authors carefully detail each phase of disaster planning focusing on the purpose of each phase, on the process for it, on priorities to determine, on strategies to set up...This book will no doubt be of major interest to all professionals in charge of cultural heritage.\ \ \ \ \ Library and Information UpdateIt is the most detailed and useful guide on this subject that I have come across. It should be on the bookshelf of every emergency planning team, local studies librarian and archivist.\ \ \ \ \ Medical Reference Services QuarterlyThis useful resource provides a comprehensive framework for libraries and other organizations interested in preventing and handling situations that may damage property or disrupt services.\ \ \ \ \ New Library WorldAs the single most comprehensive disaster planning manual to date, the book is highly recommended to all archivists, librarians and record managers who plan to initiate or improve disaster management programs of their institutions.\ \ \ \ \ PortalAn Ounce of Prevention is a must-read for both the novice and seasoned disaster planner. What makes this book important is its clear articulation of the planning process...An encyclopedia of current, accurate knowledge about risk management and cultural asset protection, An Ounce of Prevention is an important contribution to the literature of archives and library management.\ \ \ \ \ Public Library QuarterlyAny public library that has valuable holdings...should have a copy of this book...Highly recommended for all North American public libraries — and academics as well.\ \ \ \ \ TechnicalitiesI strongly recommend this book to anyone dealing with or concerned about disaster planning. The book is an excellent starting place and, in many cases, will provide the appropriate information without the need to refer to additional resources.\ \ \ \ \ The Public HistorianI would encourage anyone who is responsible for the protection of records to review this publication...The authors should be applauded for bringing this information together in one dense but important package.\ \