Organizational Aspects Of Health Communication Campaigns

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Author: Thomas E. Backer

ISBN-10: 0803949987

ISBN-13: 9780803949980

Category: Organizational Behavior

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How do organizations such as universities, television and radio networks, advertising agencies, voluntary groups, community and government agencies collaborate to make a successful campaign? How do organizational dynamics or structures influence campaign outcomes? This book explores these questions by bringing together campaign experts and leading management scientists to investigate the organizational dimensions of some of the most high-profile health campaigns in the United States.

Preface1Introduction12Partnership for a Drug-Free America: An Experiment in Social Marketing10Commentary: Organizational Aspects of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America253Project STAR: A Substance Abuse Prevention Campaign in Kansas City37Commentary: Organizational Aspects of Project STAR614Turkey's Mass Media Family Planning Campaign68Commentary: Organizational Aspects of Turkey's Mass Media Family Planning Campaign935The Stanford Five-City Heart Disease Prevention Project101Commentary: Organizational Aspects of the Stanford Five-City Heart Disease Prevention Project1296Diffusion and Re-Invention of Project D.A.R.E.139Commentary: Organizational Aspects of Project D.A.R.E.1637The Harvard Alcohol Project: Promoting the Designated Driver on Television178Commentary: Organizational Aspects of the Harvard Alcohol Project2038Synthesis214Index228About the Authors241