On The Mystery

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Author: Catherine Keller

ISBN-10: 0800662768

ISBN-13: 9780800662769

Category: General & Miscellaneous Theology

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Demonstrates how theology engages our most important questions • A student-friendly introduction with a distinctly process-theology orientation.

Prologue     ixOpen-Ended Interactivity     xiiSeven Signs     xiiiCome, My Way: Theology as Process     1Boarding Call     1The Absolute and the Dissolute     2Is God the Problem?     5Christian Right, Planetary Wrong     6Honest to God     7Trails and Trials     9Theology as Truth-Process     10Touch of Truth     11Calling God     14Speaking of the Mystery     17Attractive Propositions     20Process Theology     21Such a Way     24Pilate's Shrug: Truth as Process     27Torturous Truth     28Johannine Testimonies     30Truth Wells     31Way or Wall?     33Christian Shibboleths     35Johannine Vines     35Truth in Relation: The Risk of Trust     36"Hereticks in the Truth"     38Truth or Terror     40In Flesh and in Truth     42Be This Fish: Creation in Process     45Fishy Grace     45Ex Nihilo or Nihilism?     47A Magnificent Mess     48Lost Chaos of Creation     50Panentheism     52Over Our Heads     53A Luminous Darkness     54Of Wombs and Warriors     56Genesis and Genetics     59Self-Organizing Creation     61Male, Female, and Talkative     63Kabash the Earth?     65Seascapes of Grace     66After Omnipotence: Power as Process     69Power Flashes     69The Logic of Omnipotence     70Crashing Waves     72Job's Leviathanic Epiphany     74Calvin's Decretum Horribile     76Sin and Power     79Blameworthy or Responsible?     81Thorny Confession     83Double Crossed     85God of Letting Be     87Risk the Adventure: Passion in Process     91In Control or in Love?     94Enemy Love: Not for Wimps     95Sin and Love     97God in Process: Lure and Response     98Arise, My Love     101"Invisible Attractions": Law and Love     104Between Eros and Agape      107Sticky Justice: Com/Passion in Process     111Liberating Com/Passion     111Just Love     113Network of Mutuality     115Agapic Justice     117Community of Compound Passions     118Love, Politics, Enemies     121August Wisdom     122Love Rhythm     124Dispassion or Compassion?     125Moved Mover     127Sticky Gift     129Jesus the Parable: Christ as Process     133Missing Jesus     134Creedal Omission     135Revealing or Concealing?     137In Joy: Discerning Priorities     139Overpaid Idlers: Economics of the Basileia     140Heaven, Hell, and Here     143Salvation in Process     146Fermenting Possibility     148The Lure of a Higher Christology     151Christ in Process     152Becoming Parables     154Open Ending: Spirit in Process     159Insoluble Theology     159Hot Tongues     161WMD: Word of Mass Destruction     164Hope as Counter-Apocalypse     166Double-Edged S/Word     168Cases of Spirit     170Absolution, Dissolution, Resolution     173Acknowledgments     177Teaching Resources     179Notes     187Index     203