On Deaths and Endings

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Author: B Willock

ISBN-10: 0415396638

ISBN-13: 9780415396639

Category: Psychology - Theory, History & Research

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Winner of the 2008 Gradiva Award!Can something as negative as loss also be a positive, transformative experience?Is it possible that not only individuals but also societies can be developmentally arrested by problematic mourning? On Deaths and Endings brings together the work of psychoanalytic scholars and practitioners grappling with the manifold issues evoked by loss and finality.The book covers the impact of endings throughout the life cycle, including effects on children, adolescents, adults, those near death and entire societies. New psychoanalytic perspectives on bereavement are offered based on clinical work, scholarly research and the authors’ own, deeply personal experiences. The contributors present compelling, often moving, enquiries into subjects such as the reconfiguration of self-states subsequent to mourning, the role of ritual and memorials, the tragic impact of unmourned loss, modern conceptualisations of the death instinct, and terror-based losses.In that much psychotherapy is conducted with people who have suffered some form of loss, this book will be an invaluable resource for all mental health professionals. The emphasis on the potential of working through the vicissitudes of these experiences will provide inspiration and hope both to those who have endured personal loss and to anyone working with grieving patients.

List of contributors     ixAcknowledgments     xiiOverture to finality     1Thoughts for our times on transience and transformation   Brent Willock     3Grief and mourning     19Transforming mourning: a new psychoanalytic perspective   Anna Aragno     21Individuals and societies as "perennial mourners": their linking objects and public memorials   Vamik D. Volkan     42Affects, reconfiguration of the self and self-states in mourning the loss of a son   Judith Lingle Ryan     60Failure to mourn: the brutal bargain   J. Gail White     68Beyond the consulting room: ritual, mourning and memory   Joyce Slochower     84Childhood and adolescence     101On losses that are not easily mourned   Michael O'Loughlin     103Looking at the film American Beauty through a psychoanalytic lens: parents revisit adolescence   Anita Weinreb Katz     121Reclaiming the relationship with the lost parent following parental death during adolescence   Glenys Lobban     131Darth Mader: the dark mother   Sara Weber     146Violence and terror     159Sometimes a fatal quest: losses in adoption   DavidKirschner     161What is paranoia in a paranoid world? Transference and countertransference in the wake of the World Trade Center attack   Veronica Fiske     169Just some everyday examples of psychic serial killing: psychoanalysis, necessary ruthlessness, and disenfranchisement   Mark B. Borg     180Death instinct?     197Notes on negativity   Karen Lombardi     199Matte Blanco, the death drive, and timelessness   Ross M. Skelton     206Working with dying patients     215Lessons from hospice: when the body speaks   Sharron W. Kaplan     217A relational perspective on working with dying patients in a nursing home setting   Stephen W. Long     237Love and death: affect sharing in the treatment of the dying   Bruce Herzog     247Insights from (and to) literature     257Lifetime and deathtime: reflections on Joyce's Finnegans Wake and Beckett's How It Is   Olga Cox Cameron     259Acceptance of mortality through aesthetic experience with Nature   Yuko Katsuta     266Termination     279The long good-bye: omnipotence, pathological mourning, and the patient who cannot terminate   Rita V. Frankiel     281On the death of Stephen Mitchell: an analysand's remembrance   Rebecca C. Curtis     293On sudden endings and self-imposed silences   Ionas Sapountzis     303Conclusion     319The transformative potential in the working through of deaths and endings   Lori C. Bohm     321Index     326