Nursing Research: Reading, Using, and Creating Research

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Author: Janet Houser

ISBN-10: 0763742678

ISBN-13: 9780763742676

Category: Clinical Medicine

Nursing Research fills the need for a research text that addresses both traditional content as well as focusing on nursing research as it is used in evidence-based practice, in systematic reviews, and in the development of clinical practice guidelines. This book will address each issue by using a framework for the chapters that is based on an evidence-based practice approach to reading, using, and conducting nursing research. The perfect resource for BSN courses!

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Intended to help the undergraduate student learn to read and use research as a basis for nursing practice, this new nursing research textbook puts research into the context of evidence-based practice, helping students gain knowledge of research concepts while learning to apply them. The conversational style of the text minimizes the intimidating aspects of research to maximize understanding.