Nursing Policy Research: Turning Evidence-Based Research into Health Policy

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Author: Geri Dickson

ISBN-10: 0826133339

ISBN-13: 9780826133335

Category: Administration & Management

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"[O]ffers excellent examples of nurses in action - effectively marrying research evidence and theories of policy influence to achieve policy change. . . .Only when we get the right policy research messages to the right policy makers will there be a real research-policy connection. Hats off to Nursing Policy Research authors, contributors and publisher (Springer Publishing Company) for helping move us forward."--Judith A. OultonOulton, Oulton & AssociatesSpecialist in nursing and health policy and developmentNurse leaders, researchers, and evaluators face a vital problem in the profession: how to successfully translate evidence-based research into health policy. In this book, seasoned researchers share their knowledge, skills, and expertise on the most important aspects of the research enterprise and its connection to policy implementation. Readers will learn how to: Identify the relevant health care issues that policy makers are concerned with Collect and manage data that will influence policy discussionTranslate statistical significance into policy at the institutional, state, and federal levelsSecure appropriate funding for research on issues in nursing education, the workforce crisis, and moreDetermine how Congressional processes affect federal funding and budgetingDickson and Flynn provide the necessary tools to turn evidence-based research into health policy. With these tools, researchers will not only improve their capacity to influence policy decisions, but will take part in the advancement of the profession at large.

List of Figures     xiiiList of Tables     xvContributors     xviiForeword   Linda Aiken     xixPreface   Geri L. Dickson   Linda Flynn     xxiiiAcknowledgments     xxviiDiscovering the Research to Policy Connection     1Back to the Future: From Evidence to Policy   Geri L. Dickson     3Select Examples of Past Policy Changes     4Where Do We Go From Here? The Intersection of Politics and Policy     12Applying Kingdon and Gladwell's Theories to Policy Change by Nurses     16Nursing Outcomes Research: Connections to Workforce Issues and Policy Decisions   Sean P. Clarke     19Health Services Research and Nursing Outcomes Research     20Challenges in Nursing Outcomes Research     22Nursing Outcomes Research at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research     27The Future and the Role of Nursing Outcomes Research     29Lessons Learned   Geri L. Dickson     33Toward Evidence-Based Policy: Collecting and Managing the Data     39Introduction   Geri L. Dickson     39Addressing the Complexities of Survey Research   Patricia Moulton   Linda M. Lacey   Linda Flynn   Christine Tassone Kovner   Carol S. Brewer     43It Is All About the Why: Determining Your Survey Research Topic     44Do You Know What You Are Asking? Common Problems With Survey Questions     50Mail Survey Method: Imperatives and Pitfalls     58Collecting Data by Survey-The Best-Laid Plans Can Go Awry     62Forecasting a State Supply and Demand of RNs Using the Revised 2005 HRSA Models   Lynn Unruh   Valerie Danesh     71The HRSA Nursing Demand and Supply Models     73Using the HRSA Models for Forecasting in Individual States: Three Approaches     81FCN Experiences in Using the HRSA Models for Forecasting in Florida     85Summary of FCN Experiences: Lessons Learned in Using the HRSA Models for Forecasting in Florida and Recommendations for Other States     98Missing Data Effects on Nurse Workforce Analysis and Projections   Jennifer G. Nooney     103Sources and Causes of Missing Data     104Analyzing and Classifying Missingness: The Bias Analysis     107Traditional Methods for Dealing with Missing Data     111Recent Developments in Missing Data Techniques     115Lessons Learned   Linda Flynn     121Research and Workplace Policy     125Introduction   Geri L. Dickson     125Work Satisfaction Among Staff Nurses in Acute Care Hospitals   Carol S. Brewer   Christine Tassone Kovner     127Sample     128Methods     129Findings     130Discussion     136Policy Implications     138Workload, Quality of Care, and Job Satisfaction in Home Health Nurses   Linda Flynn     143Background and Significance     144Method     146Findings     147Policy Implications     150The Emotional Demands of Nursing   Rebecca J. Erickson     155A Crisis in Nurse Staffing     156Why Nurses Leave Direct Patient Care     157The Emotional Foundations of Burnout     158Methods     162Results     168What Influences Burnout Among Registered Nurses?     170Which Facets of the Emotional Context of Care Might Contribute to an Understanding of Burnout Over and Above the Effect of Individual and Occupational Characteristics?     172Lessons Learned   Geri L. Dickson     179Research and Educational Policy     183Introduction   Geri L. Dickson     183Nursing's Long-Term Pipeline: A Study of High School Students Using a Unique Data Collection Approach   Rebecca Rudel   Patricia Moulton     187North Dakota's Unique Nursing Education History     188Tomorrow's Nursing Pipeline: A Literature Review     191Nursing as a Specific Career Vision in High School     193The High School Student Survey     194Discussion     200The Looming Crisis of an Inadequate Pipeline for Nursing Faculty   Brenda Cleary   James W. Bevill Jr.   Linda M. Lacey   Jennifer G. Nooney     209Faculty Supply and Demand     210The Pipeline for Faculty Roles     212Discussion     214Clinical Simulation and the Need for Evidence-Based Policy   Felissa R. Lashley   Wendy Nehring     219Types of Simulation     221Standardized Patients     225Simulation and Policy     226Lessons Learned   Geri L. Dickson     233Funding the Research to Policy Connection     237Introduction   Linda Flynn     237Of Horses and Ponies: Taking Your Show to Washington   Claudia L. McDonald     239Why Should I Learn to Dance?     239The Dance: One Step at a Time     242The Federal Budget Process     246AHRQ Funding Opportunities for Nurse Researchers   Kathleen Kendrick   Gail S. Makulowich   Mary L. Grady     253AHRQ's Changing Mission     254AHRQ's Research Priorities     255Research Funding Opportunities     257Training and Career Development Programs     263Research Infrastructure Support Programs     265Getting an AHRQ Research Grant     266Overview of the Grant Application Submission, Review, and Award Process     267From Issues to Action: How the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Influences Health Policy   Lori Melichar   Susan B. Hassmiller     271Governmental Policy: RWJF's Role in Advancing the Nurse Practitioner Role     272Organizational Policy: Transforming Care at the Bedside     273The Process of Influencing Policy     275Identifying Promising Solutions to Improve Health and Health Care     278Creating the Evidence to Convince Policy Makers to Improve Health and Health Care Policy     279Restrictions on Lobbying: A Delicate Balance     285Building Capacity of Individuals and Institutions     288Conclusion: How RWJF Influences Policy     289A Metaphor for Addressing the Nurse Shortage in Oregon   Judith L. Woodruff     293Northwest Health Foundation     294Farming and the Relationship to the Nursing Workforce Crisis     295Cultivating the Environment for Nursing     296Planning for Future Crops: Supporting a Nursing Policy Agenda     308Conclusion and Key Findings     310Lessons Learned   Linda Flynn     313Making the Research to Policy Connection     317Introduction   Geri L. Dickson     317Policy Development and Nursing   Lucille A. Joel     319Citizenship in a Democracy     319Nurses as Participants in a Democratic Community     320The Power of Numbers     322Politics for Policy     323Beyond Baseline     327State Funding for Nurse Faculty Loan Repayment: The Vermont Experience   Mary Val Palumbo     329Applying Kingdon's Framework     329The Political Stream     333The Policy Stream     333Using Research to Influence Federal Policy: The Nephrology Nurses' Experience   Linda Flynn   Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins   Sandra M. Bodin     343The Research-Policy Connection     344The Revised Model in Action     344Lessons Learned   Linda Flynn     349Epilogue     353From Research to Policy-The Ultimate Translation   Linda Flynn   Geri L. Dickson     355Index     359