Nursing And The Experience Of Illness

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Author: Irena Madjar

ISBN-10: 0415207827

ISBN-13: 9780415207829

Category: Clinical Medicine

Nursing and the Experience of Illness encourages nurses to reflect on the experience of their patients, in order to improve their practice and to develop an individualised approach to care. Vivid case studies present real nursing encounters and offer a user-friendly model for independent research by the reader.\ This accessible introduction to phenomenology for nurses explains what has become one of the most widely used qualitative research methods within healthcare and covers topics...

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Making the ideas of phenomenology accessible to nurses and nursing students, Nursing and the Experience of Illness shows how phenomenological thinking can benefit nursing. Phenomenology has become one of the most frequently used methods in nursing research as qualitative methods grow in popularity. But it is more than a research method; by describing real nursing encounters in accessible and realistic terms, it allows clinical nurses to better understand their own practice. This book discusses the relevance of phenomenology for nursing and presents examples of innovative research based on this approach, drawing on work from around the world. Case study chapters offer models for undertaking phenomenological research and discuss the reasons for choosing the method, ethical concerns, practical difficulties, and outcomes in a variety of contexts. Contributors include the leading Canadian phenomenologist Max van Manen.

ForewordContributorsAcknowledgementsIntroduction1Phenomenology and nursing12The pathic nature of inquiry and nursing173On living with chronic leg ulcers364On confronting life and death575On surviving breast cancer and mastectomy776On living with schizophrenia987On living with chronic pain1238On inflicting and relieving pain1459On caring and being cared for170Epilogue189Index192