Nobel: A Century of Prize Winners

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Author: Michael Worek

ISBN-10: 1554077419

ISBN-13: 9781554077410

Category: General & Miscellaneous Biography

The story of the winners of the world's most prestigious prize, now updated to include the 2009 recipients.\ The Nobel Prize is widely regarded as the most prestigious award one can receive. The Prize is administered by the Nobel Foundation, and the award ceremonies receive extensive media coverage. The awards are often politically controversial, and many winners use their acceptance speech to further favorite causes.\ Along with background information, the book provides a look at the 200...

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A look at the achievement of 200 of the most famous, important or interesting Nobel prize winners of the 20th century -- arranged chronologically and illustrated by a portrait and in some cases explanatory diagrams. An appendix lists all winners. James Langan - Library Journal The Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious international awards given. Since its inception in 1901, the various Nobel Prize committees have awarded over 200 prizes. This one-volume tome by Worek, who is also the author of Firefly's An American History Album: The Story of the United States Told Through Stamps(2008), lists the people and organizations that have received the award for their achievements in the fields of peace, physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and (after 1968) economics. The book begins with a biography, three and a half pages long, of Alfred Nobel. Information about the various Nobel Prize committees and the prizes is also included. Chapters are arranged chronologically by decade, while entries in each chapter are arranged by year. Particularly notable prize recipients in each year are given a more detailed examination. Usually one to two pages long, the entries are made up of a brief biography, a photograph, and an explanation of how the person's work has influenced the world. Many discussing medical or scientific achievements have illustrations showing their application. Colored edges at the bottom of each page show the year and the award category, and each chapter ends with a chronological listing of winners for that decade, the location and date of their birth and death, and the award received. Because some recipients are mentioned more than once, an index at the back simplifies finding people by name.

Table of ContentsIntroduction1901-1909 Selected Profiles of Nobel LaureatesSully Prudhomme Jean Dunant Emil Fischer Svante Arrhenius Henri Becquerel Pierre Curie Ivan Pavlov Robert Koch Bertha von Suttner Ramón y Cajal Theodore Roosevelt Rudyard Kipling Ernest Rutherford Guglielmo Marconi Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1901-19091910-1919 Selected Profiles of Nobel LaureatesWilhelm Wien Marie Curie Allvar Gullstrand Maurice Maeterlinck Elihu Root Alexis Carrel Rabindranath Taore Henri La Fontaine Theodore Richards Robert Bárány International Committee of the Red Cross Max Planck Fritz Haber Erik Karlfeldt Johannes Stark Jules Bordet Woodrow Wilson Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1910-19191920-1929 Selected Profiles of Nobel LaureatesAnatole France Albert Einstein Frederick Soddy Niels Bohr Fridjtof Nansen Frederick Banting Gustav Hertz George Bernard Shaw Austen Chamberlain Aristide Briand Arthur Compton Charles Wilson Henri Bergson Adolf Windaus Thomas Mann Frank Kellogg Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1920-19291930-1939 SelectedProfiles of Nobel LaureatesThomas Morgan Harold Urey Luigi Pirandello James Chadwick Irène Joliot-Curie Peter Debye Eugene O'Neil Carlos Lamas Norman Haworth Paul Karrer Robert Ceci Pearl Buck Erinco Fermi Ernest Lawrence Gerhard Domagk Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1930-19391940-1949 Selected Profiles of Nobel LaureatesWolfgang Pauli Artturi Virtanen Gabriela Mistral Alexander Fleming Cordell Hull Hermann Hesse Emily Balch John R. Mott Edward Appleton Carl & Gerty Cori André Gide Patrick Blackett Arne Tiselius T.S. Eliot Egas Moniz Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1940-19491950-1959 Selected Profiles of Nobel LaureatesBertrand Russell Ralph Bunche John Cockcroft Ernest Walton Glenn Seaborg Edwin McMillan Max Theiler Winston Churchill George Marshall Linus Pauling Ernest Hemingway UN High Commissioner for Refugees Lester Pearson John Bardeen Albert Camus Boris Pasternak Arthur Kornberg Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1950-19591960-1969 Selected Profiles of Nobel LaureatesAlbert Lutuli Willard Libby Dag Hammarskjöld James Watson John Steinbeck Martin Luther King Jr. Jean-Paul Sartre Charles Townes UNICEF Peyton Rous Luis Alvarez René Cassin Samuel Beckett Murray Gell-Mann International Labour Organization Ragnar Frisch Jan Tinbergen Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1960-19691970-1979 Selected Profiles of Nobel LaureatesAlexander Solzhenitsyn Paul Samuelson Dennis Gabor Wilbur Sutherland Pablo Neruda Willy Brandt Simon Kuznets Heinrich Böll Henry Kissinger Le Duc Tho Gunnar Myrdal Andrei Sakharov Milton Friedman Vicente Aleixandre Mother Teresa Amnesty International Menachem Begin Allan Cormack Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1970-19791980-1989 Selected Profiles of Nobel Laureates Adolfo Esquivel James Tobin Gabriel Marquez S. Chandrasekhar Barbara McClintock William Golding Lech Walesa Desmond Tutu Elie Wiesel James Buchanan Susumu Tongegawa Tenzin Gyatso United Nations Peacekeeping Forces Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1980-19891990-1999 Selected Profiles of Nobel Laureates Octavio Paz Edward Thomas Georges Charpak Mikhail Gorbachev Frederik de Klerk Toni Morrison Nelson Mandela Yasser Arafat Mario Molina Robert Lucas Carlos Belo Dario Fo Günther Grass Complete List of Nobel Laureates 1990-19992000-2007 Selected Profiles of Nobel Laureates Jack Kilby Zhores Alferov V.S. Naipaul Kofi Annan Koichi Tanaka Daniel Kahneman Jimmy Carter Shirin Edadi Irwin Rose Elfriede Jelinek Robert J. Aumann Mohamed ElBaradei Al Gore Doris Lessing Complete List of Nobel Laureates 2000-2007Index

\ Book News[Review of previous edition:] This volume offers a general readership brief profiles of 308 of the approximately 800 people and organizations who have received the Nobel Prize for achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace, and economics since its inception in 1901. The selected profiles are organized by decade each a page long, with an additional page accompanying some of the science honorees that illustrates a major discovery. Chapter conclusions contain a complete list of winners from that decade. A brief profile of Alfred Nobel is included.\ \ \ \ \ \ Montreal Gazette\ - John Kalbfleisch\ [Review of previous edition:] Knowing we have shared the planet with Nobelists like these can in itself be uplifting.\ \ \ \ American Reference Book Annual\ - Bradford Lee Eden\ [Review of previous edition:] This volume will be a welcome addition in any public or academic library reference collection.\ \ \ \ \ \ May Day\ - James Strecker\ [Review of previous edition:] Nobel: A Century of Prize Winners groups winner in annotated lists by decade and then by year... It's all fascinating.\ \ \ \ \ \ INFOLINK\ - Beverly Rowan\ The book is well organized and especially good for quick reference.\ \ \ \ \ \ Library JournalThe Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious international awards given. Since its inception in 1901, the various Nobel Prize committees have awarded over 200 prizes. This one-volume tome by Worek, who is also the author of Firefly's An American History Album: The Story of the United States Told Through Stamps(2008), lists the people and organizations that have received the award for their achievements in the fields of peace, physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and (after 1968) economics. The book begins with a biography, three and a half pages long, of Alfred Nobel. Information about the various Nobel Prize committees and the prizes is also included. Chapters are arranged chronologically by decade, while entries in each chapter are arranged by year. Particularly notable prize recipients in each year are given a more detailed examination. Usually one to two pages long, the entries are made up of a brief biography, a photograph, and an explanation of how the person's work has influenced the world. Many discussing medical or scientific achievements have illustrations showing their application. Colored edges at the bottom of each page show the year and the award category, and each chapter ends with a chronological listing of winners for that decade, the location and date of their birth and death, and the award received. Because some recipients are mentioned more than once, an index at the back simplifies finding people by name.\ —James Langan\ \ \