Night Without Armor: Poems

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Author: Jewel

ISBN-10: 0061073628

ISBN-13: 9780061073625

Category: Pop, Rock, & Soul Musicians - Biography

One of the most respected artists in popular music today, Jewel is much more than a music industry success with her debut album selling more than 10 million copies.\ Before her gifted songwriting comes an even more individual art: Poetry.\ Now available in paperback, A Night without Armor highlights the poetry of Jewel taken from her journals which are both intimate and inspiring, to be embraced and enjoyed.\ Writing poems and keeping journals since childhood, Jewel has been searching for...

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From singer-songwriter Jewel, one of the most beloved artists in popular music today, comes a moving collection of her most intimate poetry. Inspiring and utterly personal, these words are certain to be embraced by her millions of fans worldwide. James Hunter Jewel has a fairly scary way to save our souls: not memoir or fiction or even poetic effects smuggled into records or movies or whatever, but poetry—its big, bad super bizarre self, stuff written in lines, stuff that reduces beastie boys and cool chicks everywhere to states of literary terror. -- New York Observer

\ Preface

AcknowledgmentsPrefaceAs a Child I Walked1The Bony Ribs of Adam2Wild Horse3Bukowsky's Widow4You Tell Me6Paramount, NY, 9:34 A.M.7It Has Been Long8Too Many Nights9I Look at Young Girls Now10Seattle11Saved from Myself12Taking the Slave13Sun Bathing14Red Roof Inn, Boston15So Just Kiss Me16Second Thoughts in Columbus, Ohio17Cautious18The Dark Bells19The Inertia of a Lonely Heart21Collect Beads of Night22Communion23Love Poem24Father of a Deaf Girl26Dionne & I271B28The Slow Migration of Glaciers30Tai Pei32Tai Pei 233Tai Pei 334In the South of England Somewhere36196637A Couple Sitting on a Bench38Envy39Pretty40Those Certain Girls41Sausages42Though I am 843Dylan44Vincent Said46Camouflage47Sara Said48Parking Lot50Coffee Shop51I Say to You Idols52Steady Yourself53Awaken, Love55Gather Yourself57You58Bleary eyed59I Miss Your Touch60Night Falls61We Have Been Called62Underage65Grimshaw66A Slow Disease68All the Words69You Are Not70The Strip 172The Strip 273Shush74I Am Not from Here75Infatuation77The Fall78Long Has a Cloak79Mercy80Compass81Freedom82Road Spent83Christmas in Hawaii84Spoiled85Red Light District, Amsterdam86Lovers for Lilly87Lemonade89We Talk90Spivey Leaks92Forgetful93Lost94Still Life95I Don't Suppose Raindrops96Sometimes98Blanketed by a Citrus Smile99The Road101I Guess What I Wanted Was102Insecurity103I Am Patient104The Things You Fear105The Chase106Fragile107I'm Writing to Tell You108And So to Receive You110Fat112Junky113Austin, TX, Sheraton Hotel, 2 A.M.114I Keep Expecting You To115P.S.116Gold Fish117New Moon118Someone to Know Me120Traffic121Home123After the Divorce124May Brought Lo

\ Library JournalFor people who don't regularly follow MTV (which unfortunately includes most of those who listen to poetry), Jewel will seem to have sprung up out of nowhere. But the 23-year-old Alaska native has four albums to her credit and several web sites. A veteran of the coffee-house scene around San Diego, she brings to mind those New York spots of the late 1950s, where Dylan Thomas played and where there was an open poetry mike. Moreover, Jewel's poems are reasonably good. Sure, there are too many prepositions and some cliched images; an attempt to be philosophical is laughable; and many "poems" are nothing more than fragments. But a lot of the material is also straightforward and deeply honest, e.g., "I am told I am adored by millions, but no one calls." Certainly, she's as good as Leonard Cohen and deserves serious attention from poetry lovers. Released simultaneously as a book, CD, and cassette.--Rochelle Ratner, formerly with "Soho Weekly News," New York\ \