Neo-Bohemia: Art and Commerce in the Postindustrial City

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Author: Richard Lloyd

ISBN-10: 0415870976

ISBN-13: 9780415870979

Category: United States History - General & Miscellaneous

Neo-Bohemia brings the study of bohemian culture down to the street level, while maintaining a commitment to understanding broader historical and economic urban contexts. Simultaneously readable and academic, this book anticipates key urban trends at the dawn of the twenty-first century, shedding light on both the nature of contemporary bohemias and the cities that house them. The relevance of understanding the trends it depicts has only increased, especially in light of the current urban...

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Neo-Bohemia brings the study of bohemian culture down to the street level, while maintaining a commitment to understanding broader historical and economic urban contexts. Simultaneously readable and academic, this book anticipates key urban trends at the dawn of the twenty-first century, shedding light on both the nature of contemporary bohemias and the cities that house them. The relevance of understanding the trends it depicts has only increased, especially in light of the current urban crisis puncturing a long period of gentrification and new economy development, putting us on the precipice, perhaps, of the next new bohemia.

1. Introduction 2. Production and Neighborhood 3. Bohemia 4. Grit as Glamour 5. Living Like an Artist 6. The Celebrity Neighborhood 7 . The Neighborhood in Cultural Production 8 . Making the Scene 9. The Digital Bohemia 10. The Bohemia and the Spirit of Flexibility