Natural Enemies: Major College Football's Oldest, Fiercest Rivalry - Michigan v. Notre Dame (Updated Edition)

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Author: John Kryk

ISBN-10: 1589793307

ISBN-13: 9781589793309

Category: College Football

Called the "definitive history of the rivalry" by the Chicago Tribune, this updated history of the classic tilt is much more than just the recounting of old games. The fates of Michigan and Notre Dame have been intertwined since that cold November day in 1877 when the Wolverines literally taught the game of football to an eager group of Notre Dame students. Richly illustrated and now including games through the 2006 season, Natural Enemies weaves these two chronologies together to produce a...

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Called the definitive history of the rivalry by the Chicago Tribune, this updated history of the classic tilt is much more than just the recounting of the old games. The fates of Michigan and Notre Dame have been intertwined since 1887 when the Wolverines literally taught the game of football to an eager group of Notre Dame students. Richly illustrated and updated through 2006, this book weaves these two chronologies together to produce a college rivalry book like no other.

\ Chicago TribuneThe definitive history of the rivalry.\ \ \ \ \ Ann Arbor NewsRewarding ... Kryk's research pays some real dividends.\ \ \ Lloyd H. CarrJohn Kryk has written a fascinating, well-researched book on the stormy rivalry between the two greatest traditions in college football history. It is filled with great stories about legendary coaches and players and the games they played. If you love college football. Natural Enemies is a must read.\ \ \ \ \ Murray SperberJohn Kryk does a superb job of describing the history of one of college football's greatest rivalries, and the famous personalities involved in it.... His use of this material—almost all of it never in print before this book—gives an authenticity and depth ... that almost no other sports history possesses.\ \ \ \ \ College Sports MagazineNatural Enemies is a well-researched, carefully assembled historical analysis of the characters and times that shaped this rivalry.... The developmental years of this rivalry and Kryk's well-timed story-telling are most captivating.... It is an enlightening read for football historians and fans alike.\ \