Myth of Addiction: An Application of the Psychological Theory of Attribution to Illicit Drug Use

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Author: John Boo Davies

ISBN-10: 3718651971

ISBN-13: 9783718651979

Category: Psychological Disorders

Current attitudes towards drug misuse in the media, government and even treatment centers often exaggerate the pharmacological power of drugs. Their coercive influence is widely believed to be so great that to experiment with a drug is tantamount to addiction. This book argues that such beliefs are largely inaccurate and harmful. Research shows that explanations for drug use vary according to circumstances. Drug users may explain that they have lost their willpower and capacity for personal...

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Current attitudes towards drug misuse in the media, government and even treatment centers often exaggerate the pharmacological power of drugs. Their coercive influence is widely believed to be so great that to experiment with a drug is tantamount to addiction. This book argues that such beliefs are largely inaccurate and harmful. Research shows that explanations for drug use vary according to circumstances. Drug users may explain that they have lost their willpower and capacity for personal decision-making, because this is the explanation expected of them, but most actually use drugs because they want to and because they see no good reason for giving them up. Addicted behavior is therefore a form of learned helplessness that encourages passivity and irresponsibility.

Prologue1Attribution Theory: Explaining Explanation12Attribution Theory and Attributional Research123Volitional and Non-Volitional Explanations254Addiction, Withdrawals and Craving385Pharmacology and Compulsion566The Problem of 'Addictive Substances'637Disease as the Preferred Explanation for 'Badness'748The Nature of the Evidence: Methodological Problems819Attribution: A Dynamic Approach to How People Explain Their Actions10610Functional Explanations for Drug Use12711A Context for Drug Problems154References168Index178