Musical Comedy in America: From the Black Crook through Sweeny Todd

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Author: Cecil Smith

ISBN-10: 0878305645

ISBN-13: 9780878305643

Category: General & Miscellaneous

Here in one volume the whole kaleidoscope of our light musical entertainment comes to life. Its glamorous personalities, the tunes and lyrics they put over, the shows themselves are all here, described with anecdote and fact, with wit and nostalgia.

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Foreword to the First EditionixForeword to the Second EditionxiPart 11864-1907IBefore The Black Crook2IIThe Black Crook7IIIThe Death of Pantomime13IVThe Bleached Blondes16VEvangeline and Edward E. Rice19VIThe Kiralfys28VIIFarce-Comedy31VIIIComic Opera: The First Decade39IXComic Opera: The Second Decade55Part 21908-25XThe Gaiety Girls, The Passing Show, and Weber and Fields64XIThe Turn of the Century73XIIThe Merry Widow and the Ziegfield Follies87XIIIBefore and During the First World War93XIVA New Era102XVNew Art and Old Formulas114XVIThe Postwar Revue125XVIIMusical Comedy from 1919 to 1925136Part 31925-50XVIIIThe Revue Becomes Civilized144XIXMusical Comedy Discovers Contemporary Life155XXThe Depression Decade160XXIThe New Audience170XXIIWar and Postwar Years182XXIIIThe Past, The Present, and The Future201Part 4The 1950sXXIVThe Book Musical Refined208Part 5The 1960sXXVTrouble252Part 6The 1970sXXVIAn Uncertain Comeback300Index351