Music for Piano: A Short History

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Author: Kirby, F. E. Kirby, F. E.

ISBN-10: 0931340861

ISBN-13: 9780931340864

Category: Musical Instruments

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When F. E. Kirby published A Short History of Keyboard Music in 1966, scholars and keyboard players welcomed it as the first detailed historical interpretation of music for organ, harpsichord, clavichord, and piano. In this book, which is comparable in length but substantially different in content, Kirby focuses on music for the piano "in the fine-art or classical tradition," providing an in-depth survey of music for piano solo, and including discussions of important compositions for piano duet and two pianos. Beginning with early types of keyboard music that influenced the first music for the instrument in the seventeenth century, and ending with the bold, iconoclastic works of the late twentieth century, Kirby provides a scholarly yet readable overview of the literature, drawing on the results of the most recent research. Concerned with the historical context of the works, the author traces the development of the composers' styles in light of the times in which they lived. With an emphasis on principal composers and important compositions, the book is an excellent introduction for anyone interested in the development of the great repertoire of piano music. Incorporating an extensive topical bibliography of more than 1100 sources for further reading - likely the largest ever compiled - and illustrated throughout with music examples, this volume is indispensable to students and teachers at both the graduate and advanced undergraduate levels, music historians, and anyone interested in music literature. Library Journal Rejoice, all who have hoped for a revised, rewritten, expanded version of F.E. Kirby's narrative Short History of Keyboard Music (Schirmer, 1966). Kirby's new book omits material on organ and harpsichord music, edits and updates the older title's piano chapters significantly, and adds more music by women and black composers (though saying "it is evident" that Clara Shumann gave up composing to "meet the needs of her family" reveals a shallow spot in his new research). With improved style but unchanging devotion, Kirby provides piano-lovers with a solid introductory source for understanding historical developments of style in part of the western art-music tradition. The selective bibliography is outstanding. Useful as a college text and highly recommended to public libraries.-Bonnie Jo Dopp, Montgomery Cty. P.L., Rockville, Md.

Foreword7Preface9List of Examples11Ch. 1The Repertory of Keyboard Music to ca. 175015Ch. 2The Time of Change (ca. 1720-1790)53Ch. 3Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Their Contemporaries93Ch. 4The Early Nineteenth Century137Ch. 5Liszt and Brahms and Their Age205Ch. 6The Later Nineteenth Century245Ch. 7The Twentieth Century to Midcentury: France and Germany277Ch. 8The Twentieth Century to Midcentury: Other Countries of Europe, the New World, and Asia309Ch. 9From Mid- to Late Twentieth Century363Bibliography397Index of Names and Terms449