Multiscale Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation of Engineering Materials: Structural Integrity and Microstructural Worthiness, Vol. 152

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Author: George C. Sih

ISBN-10: 1402085192

ISBN-13: 9781402085192

Category: Structural Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

This book elucidates the correlation of fatigue crack growth data to multiscale cracking, particularly to the understanding of micrographs influenced by mechanical disturbance and thermodynamic variables. Attention is given to the interpretation of test data by fatigue crack growth rate using two empirical parameters in consistent with the fracture control methodology currently used by industry. Micrograph and crack growth rate data are presented for a host of metals used by the aerospace and...

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This book elucidates the correlation of fatigue crack growth data to multiscale cracking, particularly to the understanding of micrographs influenced by mechanical disturbance and thermodynamic variables. Attention is given to the interpretation of test data by fatigue crack growth rate using two empirical parameters in consistent with the fracture control methodology currently used by industry. Micrograph and crack growth rate data are presented for a host of metals used by the aerospace and nuclear industry. Furthermore, these data can be shown to lie on a straight line for the two parameter model that traditionally refers to regions I, II, and III. Results for small and large cracks can thus be connected to provide fatigue life prediction with data from the microscopic scale level such that the interactive effects of loading, geometry and material by mechanical tests are accounted for.

Contributors; Foreword; Technical Contributions;\ Application of virtual testing for obtaining fracture allowable of aerospace and aircracft materials, by B. Farahmand\ An equivalent block approach to crack growth, by R. Jones, S. Pitt and D. Peng\ Prediction of fatigue crack growth rates in Ti-6Al-4V alloy, by A. M. Korsunsky, D. Dini and M. J. Walsh\ Some practical implications of exponential crack growth, by L. Molent, S. Barter and R. Jones\ Fatigue behaviour of FS,LB and MIG welds of AA6061-T6 and AA6082-T6, by P.M.G.P. Moreira, V. Richter-Trummer and P.M.S.T. de Castro\ Fatigue Damage from Surface to Bulk, by C.. A. Rodopoulos\ Microcracking in high temperature low cycle fatigue, by S.L.Mannan and M.Valsan\ Invariant form of micro-/macro-cracking in fatigue, by G. C. Sih\ Fatigue crack growth rate of cable-stayed portion of Runyang bridge: Part I–cable crack growth due to disproportionate cable tightening/loosening and traffic loading, by G. C. Sih and X.S. Tang\ Fatigue crack growth rate of cable-stayed portion of Runyan bridge: Part II–steel wire crack growth due to disproportionate cable tightening/loosening and traffic loading, by G. C. Sih and X.S. Tang\ Fatigue of small-scale metal materials:from micro-to macro-scale, by G. P. Zhang and Z. G. Wang\ Assessment of fatigue damage in heterogeneous materials by application of a novel compliance technique, by H. Mughrabi and H. W. Höppel\ Fatigue crack growth of aircraft aluminum alloys, by Sp. G. Pantelakis and Al Th Kermanidis