Motivation and Self-Regulation across the Life-span

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Author: Jutta Heckhausen

ISBN-10: 0521591767

ISBN-13: 9780521591768

Category: Psychology - Theory, History & Research

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A group of internationally renowned scholars discuss their research on motivation.

Preface and AcknowledgmentsList of ContributorsIntroduction1IRegulation of Self, Action, and Development1Decomposing Self-Regulation and Self-Control: The Volitional Components Inventory152Developmental Regulation in Adulthood: Selection and Compensation via Primary and Secondary Control503Development of Regulatory Focus: Promotion and Prevention as Ways of Living784Commentary: Human Psychological Needs and the Issues of Volition, Control, and Outcome Focus114IISocial Determinants of Motivation5Social Motivation and Perceived Responsibility in Others: Attributions and Behavior of African American Boys Labeled as Aggressive1376The Multidimensional Nature of Control: Implications for the Development of Sex Differences in Self-Evaluation1597The Functional Regulation of Adolescent Dating Relationships and Sexual Behavior: An Interaction of Goals, Strategies, and Situations1858Commentary: Strategies for Studying Social Influences on Motivation216IIIFunctional and Dysfunctional Control-Related Behavior in Childhood9Ruminative Coping with Depression23710The Development of Early Self-Conceptions: Their Relevance for Motivational Processes25711Sociocultural Influences on the Development of Children's Action-Control Beliefs28112Commentary: Self-Regulation, Motivation, and Developmental Psychopathology316IVDevelopmental Goals in Adulthood13A Life-Span Approach to Social Motivation34114Maintaining Self-Integrity and Efficacy Through Adulthood and Later Life: The Adaptive Functions of Assimilative Persistence and Accommodative Flexibility36515The Willfull Pursuit of Identity38916Commentary: Motivation and Self-Regulation in Adult Development424Name Index437Subject Index447