Money: Deal with it or pay the price

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Author: Kat Mototsune

ISBN-10: 1550289586

ISBN-13: 9781550289589

Category: Business & Careers

Money can't buy happiness, and it can lead to all sorts of trouble at home, school, work and among friends. This important new book looks at the way we value, display and covet wealth, and it will help kids make change when costly conflicts arise.

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\ Children's Literature\ - Paula McMillen\ This oversized paperback in the "Deal with It" series is supposed to build awareness about money matters and increase reader skills in dealing with personal finances and the potential conflicts that can arise around money. Presented as a mix of short vignettes, quizzes, advice ("do's and don'ts"), and money myths, the text is illustrated with comic book style characters throughout. Much of the focus is on resisting peer pressure about money and making judgments about people based on perceptions of their financial well-being. The book is filled with dire warnings about the bad things that can happen if you do not learn to manage your personal finances responsibly. The lively format is not going to sufficiently mask the heavily didactic tone of the writing, however, and this book is probably not going to change anyone's mind about handling money or peer relationships. The best use of this book would be for a teacher to adapt the vignettes and quizzes for discussion starters or writing pieces that could lead into class lessons on money, personal finance, or peer pressure. Let the kids generate their own lists of do's and don'ts. Reviewer: Paula McMillen, Ph.D.\ \