MOEMS: Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Vol. 126

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Author: M. Edward Motamedi

ISBN-10: 0819450219

ISBN-13: 9780819450210

Category: Electronics - Microelectronics

This book introduces the exciting and fast-moving field of MOEMS to graduate students, scientists, and engineers by providing a foundation of both micro-optics and MEMS that will enable them to conduct future research in the field. Born from the relatively new fields of MEMS and micro-optics, MOEMS are proving to be an attractive and low-cost solution to a range of device problems requiring high optical functionality and high optical performance. MOEMS solutions include optical devices for...

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The integration of micro-optics and micro-electro-mechanical systems has created a new class of micro systems, introduced by this collection of 12 chapters that are presented by Motamedi (Revoltech Microsystems) with the intention of providing researchers and graduate students with the foundation necessary to proceed in the design, fabrication, and analysis of state-of-the-art micro-opto- electro-mechanical systems (MOEMS). Authors present overviews of the two constituent fields, covering micromachining and micro-optics in separate chapters. They then discuss microfabricated sensors and actuators and micro-optical components and testing. Chapters on applications focus on the four major areas of fiber-optics, optical scanning, display and imaging, and adaptive optics. Concluding chapters examine recent advances in MOEMS CAD and simulation, major packaging issues, and material properties. Annotation ©2005 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR