Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining

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Author: J. Ancheyta

ISBN-10: 0470185309

ISBN-13: 9780470185308

Category: Catalysts & Solvents

Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining deals with fundamental descriptions of the main conversion processes employed in the petroleum refining industry: catalytic hydrotreating, catalytic reforming, and fluid catalytic cracking. Common approaches for modeling of catalytic reactors for steady-state and dynamic simulations are also described and analyzed. Aspects such as thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, process variables, process scheme, and reactor design are...

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Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining deals with fundamental descriptions of the main conversion processes employed in the petroleum refining industry: catalytic hydrotreating, catalytic reforming, and fluid catalytic cracking. Common approaches for modeling of catalytic reactors for steady-state and dynamic simulations are also described and analyzed. Aspects such as thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, process variables, process scheme, and reactor design are discussed in detail from both research and commercial points of view. Results of simulation with the developed models are compared with those determined at pilot plant scale as well as commercial practice. Kinetics data used in the reactor model are either taken from the literature or obtained under controlled experiments at the laboratory.

1. Petroleum Refining. 1.1 Properties of petroleum. 1.2 Assay crude oils. 1.3 Separation processes. 1.4 Upgrading of distillates. 1.5 Upgrading of heavy feeds. 2. Reactor Modeling in Petroleum Refining Industry. 2.1 Description of reactors. 2.2 Deviation from ideal flow pattern. 2.3 Kinetic modeling approaches. 2.4 Reactor Modeling. 3. Modeling of Catalytic Hydrotreating. 3.1 The hydrotreating process. 3.2 Fundamentals of hydrotreating. 3.3 Reactor modeling. 4. Modeling of Catalytic Reforming. 4.1 The catalytic reforming process. 4.2 Fundamentals of catalytic reforming. 4.3 Reactor modeling. 5. Modelling and Simulation of the Fluidised-Bed Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Converter. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Reaction mechanism of catalytic cracking. 5.3 Simulation to estimate kinetic parameters. 5.4 Simulation to find controlling reaction steps during catalytic cracking. 5.5 Simulation of steady operation of the riser reactor. 5.6 Simulation to scale-up kinetic factors. 5.7 Simulation of the regenerator reactor. 5.8 Modelling of the catalyst stripper. 5.9 Simulation of the controlled FCC unit. 5.10 Technological improvements and modifications. 5.11 Conclusions.

\ From the Publisher"The text can serve as a reference for chemical and process engineers, computational chemists and modelers, catalysis researchers, and professionals in petroleum refining. It can also be used as a textbook either for a full course in reaction engineering or as a supplement in related courses". (Booknews, 1 June 2011\ \ \