Misstating the State of the Union: Right-Wing Media Distortions about the Clinton and Bush Presidencies

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Author: David Brock

ISBN-10: 1888451807

ISBN-13: 9781888451801

Category: Journalism

Misstating the State of the Union reveals a simple truth that the media too often obscures: By every objective measure, the Clinton presidency was far better for America than the Bush presidency. Yet an army of conservative pundits have conspired to lie to the public about both the Clinton and Bush records, denying the proven success of progressive policies and leadership while shamelessly covering up abject conservative failures. This book dissects the conservative misinformation campaign to...

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Bestseller David Brock leads an analysis of media distortions during the era of Clinton and George W.

Introduction9No jobs? : no problem! : conservative commentators' rose-colored view of the Bush economy15Fiscally what? : spendthrift conservatives and their apologists in the press33Squandered unity : right-wing pundits' blind support for Bush's national security policy48Bad medicine : how right-wing pundits can really make you sick65Miseducation : the conservative media's smoke screen around right-wing attacks on public schools84Environmental policy : conservative commentators treat science as optional97"39 million greedy geezers" : what the right-wing media really thinks of America's seniors108Not what you hear on TV : the comparative record on crime and public safety120No sense of shame : conservative pundits' destructive rhetoric about values132