Memoirs of Vidocq: Master of Crime

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Author: Francois Eugene Vidocq

ISBN-10: 1902593715

ISBN-13: 9781902593715

Category: Historical Biography - Europe

Criminal exploits, secret agent intrigue, and clever -disguises fill the pages of Francois Eugene Vidocq’s memoirs. A legendary figure in history, Vidocq is known as the first detective and an inspiration to great writers such as Honore de Balzac, Victor Hugo and Edgar Allen Poe. As a player in the criminal underworld, Vidocq is a master of disguises and an accomplished thief, eventually turning his unlawful talents toward catching criminals as the first French chief of secret police. Playing...

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A criminal mastermind turns detective in this notorious autobiography filled with outrageous adventures, disguises, and escapes.

A Note to the Readerix"Vidocq, Rogue Cop"xiII Begin to Show Promise1III Meet Adversity in Life and Love18IIIMy Colours Are False29IVI Encounter Thieves and Forgers42VI See Much of Prison Cells53VIEscapes Are In Vain68VIITo The Hulks At Brest81VIIII Conceal My Identity92IXAdepts And Cutthroats116XA Nest of Land Pirates126XII Aid My Old Enemies136XIIA Peace of Mind Soon Lost143XIIIGood Intentions Come to Naught151XIVThe Villainous Past Preys Upon Me160XVA Fugitive Once More172XVIMy Debut with the Police184XVIIVictims of My Craft192XVIIIThe Nature of My Craft204XIXI Lodge with the Enemy217XXThe Clue of the Yellow Curtains226XXII Avoid Snares238XXIIMy Renown Increases250XXIIIThe Clue of the Two Footprints264XXIVI Escape Being Swallowed Up277XXVOur Friends the Enemy289XXVIImportant Captures299XXVIIThe Clue of a Scrap of Paper315XXVIIIA Hercules and a Brigand328XXIXThieves and Robbers341Translator's Notes367