Media Sport Stars: Masculinities and Moralities

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Author: Gary Whannel

ISBN-10: 0415170389

ISBN-13: 9780415170383

Category: General & Miscellaneous Biography

Media Sport Stars considers how masculinity and male identity are represented through images of sport and sport stars. From the pre-radio era to today's specialist TV channels, newspaper supplements and websites, Gary Whannel traces the growing cultural importance of sport and sportmen, showing how the very practices of sport are still bound up with the production of masculinities. Focusing on figures like Muhammad Ali and David Beckham, Whannel shows how growing media coverage has helped...

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Media Sport Stars considers how masculinity and male identity are represented through images of sport and sport stars. From the pre-radio era to today's specialist TV channels, newspaper supplements and websites, Gary Whannel traces the growing cultural importance of sport and sportmen, showing how the very practices of sport are still bound up with the production of masculinities. Focusing on figures like Muhammad Ali and David Beckham, Whannel shows how growing media coverage has helped produce a sporting system, and examines how modern celebrity addresses the issues of race and nation, performance and identity, morality and violence.

PrefaceAcknowledgements1Introduction1Pt. IThe tales they tell of men ...152Discourses of crisis in masculinity173The development of media sport304Heroes and stars405Narrativity and biography526Sporting masculinities64Pt. IIFrom sporting print to satellite ...797The birth of the sport star: pre-war fame818Good boys: stars, nations and respectability in the 1950s949Pretty boys, the 1960s and pop culture10910Bad boys and the work ethic129Pt. IIIThe restless vortex of celebrity14311Celebration, punishment, redemption and self-discipline14512Moralities, masculinities and violence15913Identities: 'race', nation and masculinities17314Performances, appearances, identities and postmodernities19015Vortextuality and conspicuous consumption20116Conclusion: So what if the poxy swan is the wrong way?213App. 1: Biographical notes217App. 2The concept of 'role model' - critical notes222App. 3Notes on methodological issues226Notes228Bibliography244Index259