Media Literacy Workbook

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Author: Kimb Massey

ISBN-10: 0534643949

ISBN-13: 9780534643942

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

MEDIA LITERACY WORKBOOK is an invaluable resource for students in an introductory course as it helps them explore and develop the skills necessary for active participation and critical consumption of media communication. Using this workbook, students are asked to reflect on and evaluate their own media consumption, to try new models of interpretation, and to investigate issues regarding the impact of the media on culture and society. The workbook addresses 15 core Mass Communication topics on...

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Become a more critical media consumer with MEDIA LITERACY WORKBOOK! This workbook features a brief introduction to media literacy and helps you develop the skills you need for active participation and critical consumption of media communication. Activities in each chapter focus on current media-related events, such as FCC media deregulation, embedded reporters, and the media ethics controversy show you how what you are learning is relevant to your own life.

1. Understanding Mass Media. 2.Books. 3.Newspapers. 4.Magazines. 5.Recordings. 6.Radio. 7.Movies. 8.Television. 9.Digital Media and the Web. 10.Advertising. 11.Public Relations. 12.News and Information. 13.Mass Media and Social Issues. 14.Law and Regulation. 15.Media Ethics. 16.Global Media.