Media In Situations Of Conflict. Roles Challenges And Responsibility

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Author: Adolf E. Mbaine

ISBN-10: 9970025368

ISBN-13: 9789970025367

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

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The role of the media and media reportage is crucial to any conflict situation. In Uganda, the Department of Mass Communication at Makerere University has endeavoured to support constructive reporting of the various conflicts that have beset the country and the region in the past decades. As part of this effort, it has organised lectures and commissioned research by media professionals and academic observers, whose work is brought together in this collection of essays.

1A different channel : the role of television in international conflict resolution12Reporting non-stop violence in South Africa : the necessity for adopting a different kind of journalism203The triumph of 'big brother' : challenging times of African media in conflict situations454The challenges of reporting the Northern Uganda armed conflict625Conflict in Karamoja : bridging the information gap through human rights-based communication876Media, peace-building and the culture of violence1037What role should the media play in conflict transformation and peace-building?1208Behind The Monitor's October 10th shutdown1329Partnering civil society with the media in peace-building139