Media Ethics Beyond Borders: A Global Perspective

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Author: Stephen J.A. Ward

ISBN-10: 0415878888

ISBN-13: 9780415878883

Category: Journalism

Media Ethics Beyond Borders explores the construction of an ethics for news media with global reach and impact. Addressing the current media revolution that blurs geographical, cultural, and temporal boundaries, this work considers how urgent global issues and the power of global communications prompt the need for a media ethics without borders – a media ethics that is global in its principles and in its understanding.\ But difficult questions arise: Do universal values exist in journalism?...

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This volume explores the construction of an ethics for news media that is global in reach and impact. Essays by international media ethicists provide leading theoretical perspectives on major issues and applies the ideas to specific countries, contexts and problems, addressing such questions as: Are there universal values in journalism? How would a global media ethics do justice to the cultural, political, and economic differences around the world? Can a global ethic based on universal principles allow for diversity of media systems and cultural values? What should be the principles and norms of practice of global media ethics? The result is a rich source of ethical thought and analysis on questions raised by contemporary global media.

Preface viiBiographies of Authors viiiIntroduction: Why Global Media Ethics? 1Section 1 Universals, Theory, and Global EthicsChapter 1 The Ethics of Universal Being Clifford G. Christians 6Chapter 2 Connecting Care and Duty: How Neuroscience and Feminist Ethics can Contribute to Understanding Professional Moral Development Lee Wilkins 24Chapter 3 A Theory of Patriotism for Global Journalism Stephen J. A Ward 42Chapter 4 Media Ethics: Towards a Framework for Media Producers and Media Consumers Nick Couldry 59Section 2 Global, Local, and Critical TheoryChapter 5 Media Ethics and Human Dignity in the Postcolony Herman Wasserman 74Chapter 6 Postcolonial Theory and Global Media Ethics: A Theoretical Intervention Shakuntala Rao 90Chapter 7 Moral Philosophy as the Foundation of Normative Media Theory: Questioning African Ubuntuism as a Framework Peter J. Fourie 105Section 3 Applications and Case StudiesChapter 8 Negotiating Journalism Ethics in Zambia: Towards a 'Glocal' Ethics Fackson Banda 124Chapter 9 Journalistic Ethics and Responsibility in Relation to Freedom of Expression: an Islamic Perspective Ali Mohamed 142Chapter 10 Media Ethics in Ethiopia Gebremedhin Simon 157Index 172