Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research

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Author: Jennings Bryant

ISBN-10: 0805864504

ISBN-13: 9780805864502

Category: Mass Media & Politics

With contributions from some of the finest scholars in the discipline, Media Effects serves not only as a comprehensive reference volume for media effects study but also as an exceptional textbook for advanced courses in media effects. Covering the breadth of the media effects arena, this third edition provides updated material as well as new chapters focusing on effects of mobile media and other technologies. As this area of study continues to evolve, Media Effects will serve as a benchmark...

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With contributions from some of the finest scholars in the discipline, Media Effects serves not only as a comprehensive reference volume for media effects study but also as an exceptional textbook for advanced courses in media effects. Covering the breadth of the media effects arena, this third edition provides updated material as well as new chapters focusing on effects of mobile media and other technologies. As this area of study continues to evolve, Media Effects will serve as a benchmark of theory and research for current and future generations of scholars.

Preface1News Influence on our Pictures of the World12Exemplification Theory of Media Influence193Growing Up with Television: Cultivation Processes434Media Consumption and Perceptions of Social Reality: Effects and Underlying Processes695Media Priming: A Synthesis976Social Cognitive Theory of Mass Communication1217Mass Media Attitude Change: Implications of the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion1558Intermedia Processes and Powerful Media Effects1999Resurveying the Boundaries of Political Communication Effects21510Effects of Media Violence26911Fright Reactions to Mass Media28712Effects of Sex in the Media30713Minorities and the Mass Media: Television into the 21st Century33314Media Influences on Marketing Communications35315Vast Wasteland or Vast Opportunity? Effects of Educational Television on Children's Academic Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes39716Communication Campaigns: Theory, Design, Implementation, and Evaluation42717Effects of Media on Personal and Public Health45318The Third-Person Effect48919Individual Differences in Media Effects50720The Uses-and-Gratifications Perspective of Media Effects52521Entertainment as Media Effect54922Social and Psychological Effects of Information Technologies and other Interactive Media583Author Index603Subject Index629