Media and Youth: A Developmental Perspective

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Author: Steven J. Kirsh

ISBN-10: 1405179473

ISBN-13: 9781405179478

Category: Computers & Technology in Education

Media and Youth: A Developmental Perspective provides a thorough review and critique of the media effects research conducted on infants, children, and adolescents.\ Throughout their development, youths vary cognitively, emotionally, physically, and socially. In taking a developmental perspective, the theories and research throughout the book effectively reflect these variations. This approach results in far greater clarity in understanding the effects of media on youth as a result of age and...

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Media & Youth: A Developmental Perspective provides a thorough review and critique of the media effects research conducted on infants, children, and adolescents.  Throughout their development, youths vary cognitively, emotional, physically, and socially. In taking a developmental perspective, the theories and research throughout the book effectively reflect these variations.  This approach results in far greater clarity in understanding the effects of media on youth as a result of age and developmental status.   Kirsh offers a unique and wide-ranging overview of this fascinating subject, addressing the crucial issues of how much media youth consume and why; the positive and negative impacts of varying media across development; the theories behind the impact of media on youth, and what can be done to reduce the harmful consequences associated with media consumption. Each chapter ends with a section on developmental points of interest; these sections place the empirical findings, underlying theory, and suggestions for future research discussed in that chapter within the context of developmental change. This textbook is of primary interest to those teaching courses on, and studying, media effects and children in the areas of Psychology and Communication.

Preface xiAcknowledgments xii1 Media in the Lives of Youth 1A Brief History of the Perceived Power of the Media 1Investigating Media Effects Across Development 4Media Ownership Across Development 5Media in the Home 5Media in the Bedroom 5Media Consumption Across Development 8Measuring Media Use 8Media Use During Infancy, Toddlerhood, and Early Childhood 12Media Consumption During Middle Childhood and Adolescence 13Why Youth Consume Media 15Uses and Gratifications Approach to Media Consumption 15Self-Determination Theory 19Additional Reasons for Media Consumption 21Developmental Points of Interest 222 Media Effect Theories 25Socialization and Theory 25Hypodermic Needle or Magic Bullet Theory 27Excitation Transfer 27Cultivation Perspective 28Priming 30Social Learning and Social Cognitive Theory 31Social Learning Theory 32Social Cognitive Theory 34Script Theory 35Universal Media Model 36Developmental Points of Interest 393 Media and Academic Effects 41Is Media Consumption Detrimental to Academic Achievement? 42Mechanisms Behind the Reduction Hypothesis 42Research Linking Media Use and Academic Achievement 45Evaluating Research on the Reduction and Stimulation Hypotheses 46The Benefits of Educational Media 46Televised Educational Media 47Computer-Assisted Instruction 54Music and Academic Achievement: Myth or Reality? 58Developmental Points of Interest 604 The Medical and Social Benefits of Media Use 63Pain Reduction Through Media-Based Distraction 63Research on Infants 64Research on Toddlers and Preschoolers 65Research on Youth in Middle Childhood and Adolescence 65Distraction Through Absorption and Flow 66Pain and Video Games: A Prescription for Success? 67Additional Medical Benefits of Video Game Play and Virtual Reality 67The Behavioral Benefits of Prosocial Media 69Cognitive Requirements Needed for Prosocial Learning 70Research on Infants and Toddlers 71Research on Preschoolers 71Research on Youth in Middle Childhood and Adolescence 73The Psychological Benefits of the Internet 74Friendship 74Well-Being and Social Self-Esteem 75Identity Exploration 76Developmental Points of Interest 775 Advertising, Consumer Behavior, and Youth 81Consumer Behavior Across Development 82Feeling Wants and Preferences 82Nagging and Negotiations 83Adventure and the First Purchase 85Conformity and Fastidiousness 86Consumer Behavior During Adolescence 87Consumer Behavior and the Moderating Effect of Materialism 88Advertisements That Target Youth 90Characteristics of Advertisements Targeting Youth 91Advertisements That Are Not Supposed to Target Youth but Most Likely Do 94Research on Intended Cognitions 96Research on Intended Emotions 98Research on Intended Behavior 99Developmental Points of Interest 1016 Media and Stereotyping 103The Nature of Stereotypes 103Stereotypes in the Media That Youth Consume 105Stereotypes in Literature 105Stereotypes in Newspaper Comics 111Stereotypes in Cartoons 112Stereotypes in Educational Television and Computer Software 114Stereotypes in Television Commercials 115Stereotypes in Live-Action Television Programming 117Stereotypes in Video Games 118Stereotypes on the Internet 119Effects of Stereotypes in the Media on Youth 120Stereotyped Media and Gender 120Racial Stereotypes 122Developmental Points of Interest 1237 Media Influences on Obesity, Body Image, and Eating Disorders 126Media Consumption and Body Weight 127Explaining Why Media Can Be Fattening 128Parents, Media, and Obesity 133Media and Obesity Stigma 133Body Image and Media 135Depictions of Body Image in the Media 136Body Image Research 139Thin-Ideal Media and Eating Disorders in Females 144Lean Muscularity and Muscle Dysmorphia in Males 147Developmental Points of Interest 1478 The Role of Media in Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Use 149Prevalence of Cigarette, Alcohol, and Drug (CAD) Use Across Development 149Outcomes Associated With Adolescent CAD Use 152Health Risks 152Gateway Hypothesis of Drug Use 153Addiction 154Perceptions of CAD Use 155Prevalence of Substance Use in the Media 156Advertisements 156Media-Based Story Lines in the Movies and on TV 158Music 161Video Games 162Websites 163Effects of Substance Use in the Media 165Research During Early Childhood 165Research During Middle Childhood 166Research During Adolescence 168Developmental Points of Interest 1729 Media and the Sexualization and Sexual Socialization of Youth 175Sexualization and Sexual Socialization 175Sexual Media 178Sexual Content Observed by Children and Adolescents 178Sexualization of Youth in the Media 184The Effects of Viewing Sexual Media on Adolescents 186Attitudes Toward Sex 187Sexual Expectations and Attributions 187Sexual Behavior 188Developmental Points of Interest 19010 Violent Media Part 1: Comic Books, Music, and Video Games 193A Brief Primer on Aggression 194Violent Comic Books 195Music Violence 197Violent Lyrics 197Boulevard of Broken Lyrics? 198Violent Music and Aggressive Actions 199Violent Music Videos 200Violent Music and Suicide 201Violent Video Games 202Violent Video Games and Increasing Realism 203Violent Video Games and Youth: Effects of Era, Age, and Research Design 204Violent Gaming Online 209Developmental Points of Interest 21111 Violent Media Part 2: Traditional Screen Media 213Violence in Traditional Screen Media 213Factors That Influence the Perception of Violence 215Sanitization and Consequences 215Comedy 216Justification and Legitimation 216Perceived Reality 217Graphicness 217Glamorization 218Research on the Factors That Influence the Perception of Violence in Media 218The Effects of On-Screen Violence on Youth 219Aggressive Disinhibition 219Changes in Aggression-Related Constructs 224Desensitization 226Becoming Fearful 228Developmental Points of Interest 23012 Media Effects: Magnitude, Risk, and Media Literacy 233Meta-Analysis 234Findings From Meta-Analyses of Media Effects Research 235Risk, Protective, and Beneficial Factors 239Reducing the Negative Effects of Media Through Media Literacy 240Research on Co-Consuming Mediation 242Research on Restrictive Mediation 242Research on Active Mediation 244Countermedia 246Developmental Points of Interest 250References 253Index 296

\ From the Publisher“Overall, I found this book a fascinating read about media effects across child and adolescent development.” (Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP), 1 July 2012)\ \ \