Media and Culture with 2009 Update

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Author: Richard Campbell

ISBN-10: 0312478240

ISBN-13: 9780312478247

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

Breaking the mold of traditional mass communication textbooks, Richard Campbell’s Media & Culture goes beyond the basic facts and presents students with a critical and cultural perspective on the media. Campbell uses a unique five-stage critical thinking process to help students examine the forces that shape the mass media and become active participants in the media. Media & Culture’s integrated cultural perspective focuses on the reciprocal relationship between the mass media and our...

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Breaking the mold of traditional mass communication textbooks, Richard Campbell’s Media & Culture goes beyond the basic facts and presents students with a critical and cultural perspective on the media. Campbell uses a unique five-stage critical thinking process to help students examine the forces that shape the mass media and become active participants in the media. Media & Culture’s integrated cultural perspective focuses on the reciprocal relationship between the mass media and our shared culture — how cultural trends affect our media and how historical developments, technology, and key media leaders have shaped our society. Completing the full picture of the mass media is the text’s in-depth coverage of the history, structure, and economics of each industry. Continuing the tradition of cutting-edge content, the 2009 Update includes the most current media trends and developments.

Part I Mass Media and the Cultural Landscape Chapter 1 Mass Communication: A Critical Approach   Culture and the Evolution of Mass Communication   Mass Media and the Process of Communication   Surveying the Cultural Landscape   Critiquing Media and Culture Media and Culture: An Extended Case Study: Video Games and StoryTelling Chapter 2 The Internet and New Technologies: Media at the Crossroads Origins of the Internet Digital Technology and Converging Media Ownership Issues on the Internet Free Expression, Security, and Access Citizens, the Internet, and Democracy   Part II Sounds and Images Chapter 3 Sound Recording and Popular Music   Technology and the Development of Sound Recording   U.S. Popular Music and the Formation of Rock   A Changing Industry: Reformations in Popular Music   The Business of Sound Recording Recordings, Free Expression, and Democracy   Chapter 4 Popular Radio and the Origins of Broadcasting   Early Technology and the Development of Broadcasting   The Evolution of Commercial Radio   Radio Reinvents Itself The Sounds of Radio Today Radio and the Democracy of the Airwaves Chapter 5 Television and the Power of Visual Culture   The Origins and Early Development of Television   Major Programming Trends in the TV Age   The Decline ofthe Network Era   The Economics of Television   The Public, Television, and Democracy   Chapter 6 Cable and the Specialization of Television   Technology and the Development of Cable   Cable Threatens Broadcasting Cable Comes of Age Direct Broadcast Satellites: Cable without Wires   Ownership and Business Issues in Cable and DBS Cable, DBS, and Implications for Democracy Chapter 7 Movies and the Impact of Images   Early Technology and the Evolution of Movies   The Power of the Studio System   The Triumph of Hollywood Storytelling The Transformation of the Hollywood System The Economics of the Movie Business Popular Movies and Implications for Democracy   Part III Words and Pictures Chapter 8 Newspapers and the Rise of Modern Journalism   The Evolution of American Newspapers Competing Models of Modern Print Journalism Categorizing News and U.S. Newspapers Newspaper Operations: Economic Demands vs. Editorial Duties Ownership, Economics, Technology, and Innovation Newspapers and Democracy   Chapter 9 Magazines in the Age of Specialization   The Early History of Magazines   The Development of Modern American Magazines   The Domination of Specialization   The Organization and Economics of Magazines Magazines in a Democratic Society   Chapter 10 Books and the Power of Print   The History of Books from Papyrus to Paperbacks   Modern Publishing and the Book Industry   The Organization and Ownership of the Book Industry Trends in Book Publishing   Books and the Future of Democracy   Part IV The Business Of Mass Media Chapter 11 Advertising and Commercial Culture   Early Developments in American Advertising   The Shape of U.S. Advertising Today   Persuasive Techniques in Contemporary Advertising Commericial Speech and Regulating Advertising   Advertising, Politics, and Democracy   Chapter 12 Public Relations and Framing the Message   Early Developments in Public Relations   The Practice of Public Relations   Tensions Between Public Relations and the Press    Public Relations, Social Responsibility, and Democracy   Chapter 13 Media Economics and the Global Marketplace   Analyzing the Media Economy   The Transition to an Information Economy   Social Issues in Media Economics   The Media Marketplace and Democracy Part V Democratic Expression and the Mass Media Chapter 14 The Culture of Journalism: Values, Ethics, and Democracy   Modern Journalism in the Information Age   Ethics and the News Media   Reporting Rituals and the Legacy of Print Journalism   Journalism in the Age of Television   Public Journalism, Fake News, and Democracy   Chapter 15 Media Effects and Cultural Approaches to Research   Early Developments in Media Research Cultural Approaches to Media Research   Media Research, Ivory Towers, and Democracy   Chapter 16 Legal Controls and Freedom of Expression   The Origins of Free Expression and a Free Press   Film and the First Amendment   Expression over the Airwaves   The Internet, Expression, and Democracy   Media and Culture: An Extended Case Study: The Stories of the 2008 Presidential Race