Media Accountability and Freedom of Publication

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Author: Denis McQuail

ISBN-10: 0198742517

ISBN-13: 9780198742517

Category: Communications & Media Law

What are the media's responsibilities? To whom are they accountable? Are they increasingly growing out of control? In the twenty-first century, our mass media are becoming more powerful and more difficult to hold to account, and attempts at control to prevent harm or make media more responsible are often viewed as infringements of market and media freedom. In this stimulating new study, Denis McQuail argues that freedom and accountability are not incompatible and shows ways forward to greater...

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What are the media's responsibilities? To whom are they accountable? Are they increasingly growing out of control? In the twenty-first century, our mass media are becoming more powerful and more difficult to hold to account, and attempts at control to prevent harm or make media more responsible are often viewed as infringements of market and media freedom. In this stimulating new study, Denis McQuail argues that freedom and accountability are not incompatible and shows ways forward to greater responsibility.

Pt. IThe Context1Accountability for Publication in the Information Age32The Rise of the Media as Responsible Actor21Pt. IINormative Theory of Media3Publication and the Public Interest: The Source of Media Responsibilities454From Communication Values to Criteria of Performance68Pt. IIIGovernance and Public Roles of the Media5The Governance of the Media: Issues and Forms916The Responsibilities of the Media: Alternative Perspectives1197On the Media as Cause139Pt. IVTheory of Media, Freedom, and Accountability8Freedom and Accountability1679Responsibility and Accountability: Conceptual Distinctions18910A Framework of Assessment209Pt. VWays and Means of Accountability11The Media Market23112Media Law and Regulation25113Alternative to Law and the Market270Pt. VIDrawing Conclusions14Lessons from Accountability Theory29715Policy Implications316Bibliography341Index361